Chapter 2

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The double doors were opened and Rosalyn was beckoned inside by her escorts. She'd wished they'd gone inside with her, but as soon as she passed the threshold, the heavy doors were closed. The woman jumped from the sudden boom. She glanced behind her shoulder forlornly.
Before her were the backs of 5 grand thrones. 4 of them were designed to the theme of the four suits of cards. The other was much larger and opulent. From the front of the last throne, a large hand rose. The index finger moved in a "come hither" motion, and Rosalyn took the hint to proceed to the front of the room. Her legs, however, refused to move along with her body and she almost tripped on her own feet. Rosalyn chastised herself for letting her nerves get to her so easily. This was ridiculous. She had to compose herself before He saw her. With a deep breath, the young woman straightened her shoulders and walked to the man awaiting her

Although Rosalyn tried to act calmly, she had the hardest time lifting her gaze from the tiled floor.

"Fufufu... This conversation won't do if we can't make eye contact."

Rosalyn closed her eyes as she lifted her head. She opened them when she felt that she was at eye level with her conversation partner.
The woman's eyes bulged when she realized the size of the man in front of her. His legs took up most of her view (and by God were they hairy!). Wait. Scratch that. His ginormous pink fluffy jacket/coat/blanket took up the majority of the image. If it weren't for the man's reputation, Rosalyn would have cackled 'til her stomach hurt. So, to quell her need for a catharsis, Rosalyn put on her best business smile and introduced herself.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Doflamingo. My name is Rosalyn Falkes. I am Productions Manager of Minex Incorporated. It's a pleasure to meet you."

The large man chuckled. His wide grin was very unsettling, and although his eyes were covered with sunglasses she couldn't shake the feeling that they were boring into her.

"From what I hear, you're a good business woman. At least you've got the theatrics right."

Rosalyn blinked. She wasn't sure whether to take that as a compliment or a snarky comment. She just decided to keep quiet and let him continue.

"But let's skip the niceties, alright? They can get pretty annoying after awhile. I can tell you're uncomfortable. Here, sit."

Rosalyn was about to reply that there was nowhere for her to sit (and she was definitely not going to place herself on any of the 4 empty thrones), when a love seat was placed directly behind her by 2 male servants.
Where did they come from? She wondered, surprised, as she slowly sat down.

"Now, down to business. You're the type of employee I like: intelligent and hard working. Above all, I like loyalty. Now... I know Privland citizens don't like pirates, especially not my crew, but I'm willing to... overlook that if you'll take me up on my offer."

Rosalyn took some time to process the words. Why he had to be so cryptic about it, she wasn't sure, but it made her uneasy.

"What offer?"

"Working directly with me as an advisor. You'll also have a potential spot in the Donquixote Family if you earn my trust and have a desire to be part of it. I usually don't take no for an answer, but you're a smart woman and I don't want to start our business relationship on a rocky foundation."

This information didn't quite register, at first. It took some time for Rosalyn to make a comprehensive response, but Doflamingo was in no rush. He just kept staring at her with his creepy smile.

"What... What about my old job?"

"Your assistant, Mr. Whitson, will have to take over. He's worked for you for some time, now. He should be fine."

She was beginning to get the feeling that Doflamingo might have had her watched. But that's absurd! He just had records and data. That's all. Records and data.

"In order to be an adviser, I'd have to move here, right?"

The man nodded.

"What about my family and friends? I just bought my first apartment. Finished moving in not even a week ago. I'm very happy with my new place...What if I decline your offer."

Doflamingo snickered. "For a shy, nervous girl, you've got a lot of spunk left in you."

He was right. She was pushing the envelope a little too far, but her pride took over. She was a grown woman, and she'd be damned if she let him call her "girl" again.

"I'm 29 years old, but you probably knew that. I'm an adult. You don't have to condescend, especially if you want me to be your new advisor."

The man before her chuckled. "Note taken... I'll let you think it over, here. There's a room ready for you. Dinner's at 7, but you can ask for anything you'd like. A servant will escort you and tend to your needs... And wants, if that's what you'd like."

Once again, Rosalyn was shocked. What just happened? "You're not going to let me leave until I agree, huh?"

With a dismissing wave, he replied, "Think of it as an upgrade in your hotel stay here."

And with that, a single servant appeared from out of nowhere. He was tall, dark, and handsome. Looked to be around 25. Picture perfect model material. Rosalyn would have swooned if in a lighter situation.

Her boss chuckled a little louder than before. "I don't just limit myself to the women outside by the pool. I have a good amount of 'company' kept for me at all times. I never give away any of them, not even to my Family."

Is that supposed to flatter me? How can he just say that? These are people! He's treating them like... slaves! They're slaves! Is this poor person supposed to be a bargaining chip? What kind of person does he take me for?
Rosalyn's jaw clenched and she could feel her body shaking in anger. She refrained from speaking, however, and followed the young man to her new room. This time, she didn't care to ogle at the architecture.

"My name's Rosalyn... What's your's?"

"Bernard, ma'am."

"Bernard... that's a nice name... Where do you stay? Do you have a room?"

"I have living quarters, ma'am. They're all I need."

"Call me Rosalyn... Do you miss your family, Bernard?"

The man stopped in his tracks, not expecting the question. He avoided eye contact as he had during the entire trip to Rosalyn's new bedroom. "Yes."

With a small frown, Rosalyn confirmed her hypothesis about Bernard's situation.


Stupid Birdsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें