Chapter 1

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I was walking down the streets of London near the orphanage I live in and saw a doe.  I walked toward it and saw it was not acting like a normal doe, I realized it was an animagus.  I walked to it and whispered "Follow me, I know you're an animagus."  It nodded and we walked over to an empty alleyway and it changed into a man.  I watched as he looked around to make sure no one was there and turned to me and said "How did you know?" I smirked and said "I know a lot about magic and I know you are a wizard. I am a witch, my name is Nathaira Potter, as you should know, considering I'm famous."  He stared at me a while and said "I am Severus Snape, I knew your parents and your father bullied me.  Your mother was my best friend when we were children, until I accidentally called her a mud blood and she stopped talking to me and ended up marrying your dad."  "Can I look into your mind?" I asked "You're a legilimens? How? And how did you get past my occlumency shields?"  He asked.  I smirked again and said "I'm much more powerful than you or anyone else, I have many unique powers such as reading and controlling minds as well as protecting my own, I can also talk to and turn into any magic or non-magic creature, and I know you loved my mother, there are no secrets with me." He looked shocked and a little bit....proud? but quickly hid it.

"Very well, I am the potions professor at Hogwarts school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, you are much too powerful to be living with muggles.  I would like to take you to the wizarding world where you will be famous, I hope you're prepared." He replied I smirked again and said "Of course, I'm 10 now and my birthday is soon so I will just need somewhere to stay over the summer and until school starts."  He nodded and said  "You can stay at Hogwarts in a room that will be magically added until school starts, and during the summers you can stay at friends houses." I nodded and he said I should go to the orphanage and pack my things, someone will come tomorrow to take me to Hogwarts. With that, we bid goodbye and I transformed into a cat and ran back to the orphanage, packed my bags and went to bed.

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