XXIV. Shelter

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A/N: I'm sorry this is so late, I just grew unexpectedly busy over the last couple days. But I got it done! So woohoo! (Discretions: I did not write Harry's song, I simply found it on Tumblr and found it too beautiful to pass up. Credit to whoever crafted that wonderful masterpiece. Also; where it says "or more appropriately, one "thing:" I did not mean that to be a 1D pun! Gosh, I am not that cheesy.)

Enjoy my lovelies! Xx

February 18th, 2012

9:14 P.M on a Saturday night in a London flat was neither a time nor place for an international pop-star and heartthrob to write songs. More so, it wasn't a time for the both international pop-star and heartthrob to write songs that tritely long for someone that wasn't yours. Harry had excused this pathetic circumstance with the fact that he had terrible cold, one so dire that he was not able to go to an album signing at Westfield today with the rest of his four mates.

He had instead chugged two bottles of bitter cherry cough syrup and threw various snotty tissues in the waste bin beside him on his permanent state on the couch throughout these few days. As he tapped his pen on the paper, in mid-sentence of the last chorus of the song, he had layered his excuse with another "good" one; the cough syrup was making him high as a kite and sappy, just like it was.

The memory of management lecturing him and the rest of the group to come up with "meaningful ballads" for the next album instead of the bubblegum pop that tracked their album right now was also very present in his mind. He was doing, albeit pitifully, what Management had asked of him to do. By all means, he was being a great product for them.

Unlike Louis, who had instead skipped out on the request to go on early holiday with Eleanor, along with the other couple, Liam and Danielle. Niall wasn't any better, for the Irish club atmosphere had grabbed him by the reins and made him into the royal party-boy he truly always was. Zayn had a valid excuse for not writing new songs. His uncle had died only days before and he had returned to Bradford to attend the funeral and just simply be with his family.  

Family. In definition, "family" can be described as life's only eternal gift and blessing and the people, or person that fill your heart with overwhelming joy in times of overwhelming sadness. Family for Harry, in the traditional sense, was his mum, Gemma and Robin. But "family" also had an anterior meaning for Harry as well. His secondary definition consisted of five people: Louis, Liam, Zayn, Niall and her.

The pure thought of her, smiling in squinted teal eyes despite her self-conscious scar on her right shoulder is what family was. As of this moment, she was family in a sense of close friendship and yearning. But Harry ached for her to be a part of his traditional family as his wife. Of course, he wouldn't now; he had only turned eighteen two weeks before.

But someday, someday; he was going to make her his wife and he was going to be the competitive place of her husband. He was going to make sure of it, and that's what he intended the song to be about. He glanced at the snow falling on top building rooftops from his window and then at the scrabbled writing in front of him, letting himself absorb them in every way plausible.


I will take such great care of you

whether you're crying on the floor,

or throwing dishes at the wall;


You can be anything you need to,

and I will never leave you.


I will stay by your side,

A Shot of Reality [Harry Styles]Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum