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Now so as most of you know pack-a-punch is a pretty basic thing but when we go into depth, there is a whole lot more.

So pack-a-punching can make your weapons a whole lot more better for example, clip size, ammo, damage, scope (If that helps in anyway) and colour. (Just for the looks ;)

I have seen a lot of people run into the lava on town and die becuase they didn't get out quick enough and now it is just a waste of money. It is most recomended that you have Juggernog before running into the lava. All you need to do is a quick run in there and chuck it in. Then you come back put the other side and wait where there is no lava then when it is done, run back in and pick it up.

The person with a pack-a-punched weapon is probaly the most valuable memeber on the team so try to protect that player at all costs unless that person is a noob then leave them there.

Pack-a-punch is 5000 points and is probaly recomended after or before round 15.

Some pack-a-punched weapons have explosion damage on them for example, mustang and sally and ray gun. This is why Juggernog is reccomended with pack-a- punched weapons cause you can easily kill yourself with the explosion damage.

So to round it off, pack-a-punch is awesome.


Ok guys sorry for not uploading in a while :/ and a shoutout to all my fans and readers out there because you guys are the ones that kept me going. I was also wondering if i should like do another guide except for like Tranzit or Nuketown. What do you guys think, leave in the comments what you think. Please vote, comment and fan! :D

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2013 ⏰

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