Chapter 1: Heart

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~~~12 years earlier~~~

"Addy darling how about you go color in your coloring book over there in the corner" My father told me pointing at a table in the corner of the room.

"Okay daddy" I skipped over there and began coloring. I kept looking over at my parents wondering what was going on and why I was sick. My mom looked on the verge of tears and my dad hugged her close.

I frowned as they continued talking to the doctor lady. I began drawing on my own to distract myself. I drew a really pretty apple tree with a girl leaning up against it.

Soon my daddy walked over and helped me gather my things to go home. My mommy was quiet and her eyes were all red and tears were on her face.

"What's wrong mommy?" I asked worriedly.

"N-nothing sweetheart just tell Mrs. Richards goodbye." She said quietly as she walked away. I looked after her for a moment. I turned and ran up to the doctor lady.

"Bye bye Dr. Richards!" She looked at me sadly but still smiling.

"Goodbye darling see you soon" I looked at her confused.

"I have to come back?" I asked.

"Yes darling you do. Many times. You see your heart is sick. And we are going to try to make it better."

"Oh okie dokie. Bye bye for now" I smiled and skipped back to my mom and dad.



"Mom!!!" I screamed out in pain. "Mom! Dad! Anybody!"

I lay on the floor of my bedroom curled into a ball screaming for anyone who was in the house. I heard footsteps running upstairs towards my room. Tears were streaming down my face onto the hardwood floors of my room. My chest feeling as if it was being torn apart by wild animals. I screamed more at the pain. I felt hands grab my shoulders and turn me towards them.

"Addy tell me what's going on. Talk to me." My dad said worriedly.

"Chest. Pain. Claws." He shook his head.

"We need to get her to the hospital. Now." I felt him pick me up but I didn't pay attention to that. I was focused on breathing. I needed to steady it or I was going to pass out. I've had these episodes many times. This one is probably one of the worst. It felt like my body was attacking itself. Soon enough I passed out just feeling a numbing pain throughout my body.


I woke up again with practically no pain. I looked around saw that I was back in my hospital room.

"Thank god." I heard my mother breathe out from next to me. I looked over and smiled weakly.

"I'm not going anywhere anytime soon mom." I said in a hoarse voice.

"You had better not you little shit." She chuckled but I could tell she was worried. The bags under her eyes told me she hadn't had much sleep as of lately. She was worried and exhausted. I felt bad to be such a burden on her health.

"Mom. Go home and get some sleep. I'll be here when you get back." She hesitated but sighed.

"Please don't do anything stupid Addie. I'll be back in a few hours." She grabbed her jacket and purse off the couch. She looked back at me worriedly. "I love you Addie."

"I love you to mom. Tell dad not to worry for me too much. I'm better now." I reassured her. She nodded tear looked like they were going to  spill over. She walked out of the hospital room and stopped and looked at something on the floor and said something to whoever or what ever was there. I heard shuffling and she waved a final goodbye. All of a sudden a figure appeared in the doorway. Garrett. Still in pajamas and a t shirt, he had slipped on some flip flops and rushed over here I suppose. He walked in and stopped at the edge of my bed.

"What did I tell you about freaking me out?"

"That I shouldn't do it."

"Good making sure you remember. Are you good enough to scoot over a tad so I can lay next to you?" I nodded and moved myself over as best I could. He slipped in next to me careful of the different cords and tubes and such feeding my IVs.

"How did you know I was here?" I asked quietly leaning my head against his shoulder.

"Your dad called me after you were admitted into the emergency room. I came over as fast as I could. I've been sitting outside the room for 2 hours. Good news is I beat my high score on that game I've been playing." I sighed softly.

"You know you don't need to do that for me."

"I know. But I like to see you alright. I don't want to lose my best friend anytime soon." He said seriously. He leaned his head against mine. "You doing okay?"

"Just a subtle pain nothing too terrible. The worst part was approximately 2 and half hours ago." I replied.

"That's good I suppose. I have a question."


"What does it feel like? When you have an episode?" He asked quietly. I stayed quiet for a moment.

"It's like getting shot or stabbed. Right through the chest. Over and over again. It makes it really difficult to breath and move. Usually I can get enough energy to scream for my parents or someone but other times I have to try and call my parents by phone or attempt to throw things to wake them up and get their attention. It sucks majorly."

"Oh. Why don't you ever call me?"

"I go for the most immediate help whose in the house. But I promise I'll call if I can't get them to help." I said quietly hugging his arm.

"Wanna play a game?" He asked lightening the mood.

"I guess what kind of game?" I asked chuckling quietly.

"The ABC Game. You pick a category and go in the alphabet naming items or names and such and you keep going till someone messes up or can't keep going." I chuckled.

"Maybe later doofus. Let's just play 20 questions for right now." He grinned.

"I go first! How did we meet?"

"Why are you asking me something you already know?"

"I just want to see if you remember." I rolled my eyes.

"We were in 8th grade. I was in the nurse's office resting for a little bit and you walked in with a bloody nose and you sat next to me. I got the ice pack for you. You asked me why I was in the office and I had said I had been dizzy and needed some rest. I asked you why you had a bloody nose and you said you had beat up a bully making fun of a sick girl. Little had you known that was me." I replied leaning my head on his shoulder.


"Yeah. I was always picked on till you showed up." I replied sadly. I grinned. "If you could live in any fictional world which one would you live in and why?"

"Hogwarts. And because I could be a freaking wizard." He replied grinning. "Oh and I could have British accent" He added in a quite terrible British accent. I chuckled lightly which turned into a cough.

"Ugh this freaking sucks." I groaned leaning my head back.

"I know." He said quietly grabbing my hand and squeezing it softly. I laid my head back onto his shoulder and closed my eyes. We continued asking questions until I finally drifted off to sleep once again. Although this time it was on purpose.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2016 ⏰

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