Chapter 22

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Before i start this chapter i just wanna say that i'm so sorry for my very long absence! it was the end of the year and every single class had a huge project and they were all due on the same day and yada yada and shit my english teacher gave us two projects...but i'm back and yeah:)

I just wanna's been a year and ten days since I've become a part of the wattpad community! (Yippee!)

And also this story is almost a year old! on July 9th it will have been a year since I've started writing this book.

and i wanted to do a type of "How the story came to be" thing and basically tell yall how i got the idea. But I won't do it unless yall want me to. So if you want me to on that day(ALong with an update) Comment and tell me!

15votes and 5 comments for the next chapter! And pleeease don't just say "Please update!" I know I haven't really had that problem but other authors have and well yeah. I want completely honest opinions:)


"Are you going to get the door?!" Jas yelled out of the strategically placed couch in the middle of Louis and Zayn's shared room.

"What?"I questioned from the kitchen where I was warming up some Chinese takeout that I found in the fridge. My foot impatiently tapped as I waitedfor the timer to get to zero. 'DIIIIIIING!' the microwave rang out and I quickly grabbed the treasured platter and began eating as walked back out to the living room.

"Can you get the door now?" She questioned as she went through Louis and Zayn's stuff. The floor was covered with our empty plates of food ranging from pizza and nachos combined together to hot sauce and ice cream. Yeah the boys are going to be pissed or happy...

"Yeah," I pregnant girl pranced to the door with the Chinese in hand. I stopped in front of the mirror by the door and took my appearance in. Jas and I had gone through both boys' stuff and were now sporting huge muscle t-shirts and gym shorts, obviously they won't mind, right? My make-up from mere hours before still held it's place on my face and my hair was instead in a loose ponytail. There was another bang on the door which reminded me what was to be done. I had to open the door.

"Alli O'Malley!" Louis screamed out before engulfing me into a huge hug, "I missed you, Wonderwoman!" I couldn't help but to laugh at him.

"I mised you too, Superman!" He finally pulled away.

"Why aren't you all fat and stuff? I thought women get fat when they're pregnant!"

"She's like a magical pregnancy unicorn!" Jas yelled out, quoting her favorite movie at this moment in time, What to Expect When You're Expecting.

"No really,how?" Niall questioned. I looked around Louis and saw the three other boys along with Danielle and Eleanor.

"Niall!" I pulled him into a big hug, "Zayn!" I did the same, "Liam!"

"Calm down! You saw us less than three hours ago." Liam said, wrapping an arm around Danielle's waist. "But seriously, how are you still so... tiny?"

"Mom got me into yoga and well she's helping me a lot," I smiled up at the boys, "Hey girls! You staying the night?" Eleanor shook her head.

"We're catching a flight back to the UK in the morning..."

"And our stuff is at our hotel," Danielle added.

"And I need to get back to school..."

"And I have X-factor tour rehearsals," A noise came from Eleanor's purse. She quickly pulled out her phone.

"Fuck... We leave in seven hours and we need to finish packing," She offered a remorseful smile.

"Why so soon?" Louis quickly asked his girlfriend.

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