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(Sorry, I've had kind of a hectic week... I'll be updating on Wednesdays starting next week. I think I have enough headcanons to take me through into the new year now so there's no rush for more, but if you do have anything in mind, let me know!)

(Headcanon: Urushihara actually loves reading. Suggested by CinderAshTree and FallenSarcasm on (Two people with the same idea~!))

Urushihara stared at the screen with a blank expression as he scrolled and clicked through the pages. Maou was at work and Ashiya was busy cleaning the apartment, so he had a moment to look around Jungle for something new before he was found out. He went through more than a few different searches before something caught his eye.

Oh, this is the book that one movie was based on...

He used to read a lot back in Ente Isla, although he had rarely gotten the chance to read just for the fun of it. Most of the time, it was history books and researching strategies. But whenever he could, he'd always loved to sit back in some quiet corner somewhere with a novel.

Ever since he had come through the Gate, however, he was distracted by this world's technology. He hadn't picked up a book in a while.


His eyes scanned the page. It wasn't all that expensive, Maou wouldn't miss the money, right? Well, maybe he would, but hopefully he just wouldn't notice. With a swift glance back at Ashiya to make sure he still wasn't look, he clicked on 'Add to cart'.

One book. That's all.

Something else to do besides surf the web and play games. For when Ashiya would eventually take away his PASTA almost every day.

He was lucky enough to get it delivered the next day when the others weren't home, and managed to hold off on reading until after they were both asleep. Every night, he could happily lie on his back in his box tunnel, holding up the book above him as he read, and he would keep it hidden inside the box during the day. Soon, one book became two, then three, four, until he had a decently-sized collection and it was difficult to keep them out of Maou and Ashiya's sight.

"So, you've found something new to waste all my hard-earned money on, huh? When did you even get all these?"

Urushihara barely even heard him, he was too focused on the book in front of him.

"Sire, I think some form of punishment is due," Ashiya picked up the book and held it up out of reach, ignoring the shut-in's annoyed protests, "His spending habits are becoming far more than they're worth."

"I don't know if punishments are gonna get through to him anymore."

Urushihara relaxed a little then.

But it didn't last long.

"But, Urushihara," Maou continued, leaving him slumped over his desk, "We're going to be monitoring all your internet time from now on."

"What?! You can't do that! That's, like, a complete invasion of privacy!"

"Too bad. You brought this on yourself, man."

"But, Your Majesty, surely we can't always be present to watch him...? Plus, I dare say I'd rather not know precisely what it is he gets up to on that thing."

Maou paused for a few seconds, both of the other demons watching him.

"I guess you're right... We'll discuss it tomorrow. It's getting late now."

Urushihara breathed a sigh of relief as Maou and Ashiya started getting ready for bed, sneakily taking his book back when Ashiya put it down and crawling back to his box.

He was glad when he woke up the next day and Maou was already gone, clearly still trying to think of what to do about him. And on top of that, Ashiya wasn't paying him much attention at all. It took a while before Urushihara spoke up.

"Hey, Ashiya..."

"What now?" he didn't look at him.

Urushihara took a deep breath.

"Any chance I could go to the library with you?"

Ashiya shot him a hard glare.

"You're really pushing your luck, you little brat."

"Can I?"

"You really have the audacity to ask to leave the apartment after you snuck out?"

"Look, I'm asking to go with you, you'll be able to keep an eye on me. That's fair, right?"


Soon after, Ashiya had given in and was sitting in the library, Urushihara next to him, completely engulfed in a book.

It was strangely relaxing.

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