Chapter 1

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We run around the corner. "What did we do!" I yell to Ally. She pushes her glasses up as her chocolate coloured hair gets blown by the wind.

"We didn't do anything. This isn't our dimension. Duh." I look around, slowing to catch my breath.

"Then whose dimension is it?" I ask as a Silence stalks by. "DOCTOR'S DIMENSION!" I get out a pen and write the words 'Silence count:' on my arm. I put a tally. I then grab Ally's arm and sprint as far away as I can from the spot.

"Wait, what are we running from?" I feel a stinging sensation from my arm. I look down to see 'SILENCECOUNT: l' I look into Ally's green-hazel eyes.

"Damn, it's the silence that are here. We need to find The Doctor." Ally nods and we take off sprinting again. Eventually we stop for air again. "We- don't know- where it is." I choke out, breathless. A loud wheezing noise comes from right in front of us.

"Oh, perfect timing. Sexy, you are amazing." I say as the TARDIS materializes in front of us.

"Don't start rambling. You tend to do that when nervous." Ally tells me.

"Don't start ranting about anything, Ally. You tend to do that when having a chance." I say back sarcastically. "I'm not fucking stupid." The doors open.

"Matt Smith? I thought it was Peter Capaldi now." I ask Ally.

"Don't forget the rules of time. It may get confusing since we're in another dimension. Plus, you like Matt Smith more anyways." I sigh.

"And you told me no rambling." The Doctor interrupts us.

"Who are you?" We both look at him in unison.

"I'm Alex, this is Allison. We just arrived in this dimension. Silence are everywhere. So far we've run into-" I look at my arm.

"Ten? Woah, I thought we were running the whole time. Oh well." Ally looks amused at me.

"We're hardcore fans. Did you really need to put those words on your arm?" I smile sheepishly.

"No, but it sure must've made it more dramatic when we were staring at the damn thing." She just shakes her head.

"Whatever. You're a mas- hm. Bad choice of words. You're an expert at this type of stuff, how do we get back to our dimension? Mr. Matt Smith's alien twin." Ally elbows me. "Ow!" She looks at me. "He's going to find out anyways!" Ally rolls her eyes. "Whatever." The Doctor looks between us, confused.

"Who are you?" I face-palm.

"Were you looking at a Silence while I was talking? Whatever. We're two average humans from a different dimension where your adventures and the main parts of your life are put into a TV show called Doctor Who. I don't know about Ally, but I know almost everything about you besides your name." Ally shakes her head.

"I know more than Alex here, but termwise. She can't pronounce or remember most planets you go to." I shove her playfully.

"Hey! I know of uh- Barcelona? The planet. Also um, Gallifrey. I have a piece of paper in my pocket that translates Gallifreyan to English. Um, that's pretty much it." I look down, ashamed.

"Why are you here?" We both look at The Doctor. I look around. Only us in the alleyway.

"Uh, we don't know. That's why we're in front of you. To get answers that Se- the TARDIS might know. Or even the sonic." I look into his eyes, seeing something I never thought I would. "Hm, Ally. It's after the fiftieth. He's already met John Hurt and David Tennant. From what I can tell, anyways." Ally looks over at me.

"How can you tell?" I point to the inside of the TARDIS.

"Hasn't adjusted to just the eleventh. Still is a combination of all three." She looks and nods. "I'm being awfully observant right now. For all we know Sherlock can be in this dimension." I state, backing up into a garbage can. Ally pushes passed The Doctor and heads into the TARDIS. "Or Supernatural." I call after her.

"What? The supernatural are real and Sherlock is a book." I smirk.

"It's the shows. You were from the same show as Sherlock, and I'm trying to stop her from hijacking your TARDIS. Which we both are very capable of. I have a manual right here." I hold up a book all about the TARDIS. I walk in and see Ally typing something into the TARDIS. "Ally, don't hijack the TARDIS. I know what you're trying to do. It'll destroy the world. Let The Doctor figure something safer out."

"Why not? I want to see if there are other you's and me's in this world!" Ally said with bright eyes and an ecstatic state of facial expression.

"Destroy. The. World. Remember the time you tried to make that other portal in your own T.V. and it just ended up creating a black hole in your living room? You never really have safe ideas." I reminded her of the colossal mistake that was the watermelon portal. Don't ask.

The doctor already arrived in the TARDIS and had heard the exchange. He looked genuinely freaked out. I feel proud. However, as he saw Ally try and press a big blue button he yelled quite loudly. Rather unnecessary, if you ask me. "Don't touch that button!"

"What? Why? I've never seen it before and the chances of it killing us all is a solid 1 in 10 chance. It's not even red! Big, bad buttons are usually red!" Ally stated exasperatedly, with her hands flying about.

"Where is the logic in that!?!" The Doctor yells exasperatedly.

"There is plenty of logic in it!" Ally and I argue in unison. The Doctor throws his sonic at Ally. I catch it before it breaks.

"Ally! Don't push that button! He threw his sonic to stop you! It must be very important or very deadly." I yell to her.

"Both! It is both and I'm afraid you really must leave now." The Doctor stated with a stern expression. I laughed.

"No can do bowtie man. We're stuck here with you until we have enough energy to leave this dimension." Ally states sarcastically, toying with the TARDIS.

"ALLY NO!" I yell as we get thrown out of the TARDIS into the time vortex. I cling to Ally, who was smart enough to grab the edge of the TARDIS.

"Hey! We have enough energy to leave now!" Ally says as she lets go of the TARDIS and laughs like a maniac.

"YOU IDIOT NOOOOOO!" I scream with wide eyes as The Doctor attempts to grab us. His sonic falls with us after I yank on his coat and I grab it hurriedly. Ally, in the meantime opens the portal, but not to our dimension. We black out from the brute force of the time vortex and fall through the portal.

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