"You've gotten bigger!" Mum cooed at Donny lovingly as she cradled him close to her. His eyes stared up at her with a creased eyebrow before his eyes shifted over to me. His fingers stretched out to me and I dropped my chin to his hand so he could grip tightly.

He takes comfort from holding on to me. It's sweet.

"So, this is my Great-Grandson?" Someone spoke up curiously with a smile in their voice and I slowly turned to face the older woman. She was staring down at Donny in mum's arms and I frowned deeply at her standing in her line of sight.

"I'm sorry? Who are you?" I asked her sharply tensing myself up and the Warriors stood around me protectively. The woman's eyes widened in surprise before pain crossed her face when she fimally felt the hostility towards her.

"You never told her about me?" The woman asked mum and in a pained voice as her eyes shifted over to her and mum scoffed handing Donny to me.

"I told her you wanted nothing to do with us." Mum informed her truthfully folding her arms over her chest. "She met James' parents before they had their accident, and the only grandparent Piper knew was dad. You made sure of that, mother." Mum informed her in a bored voice and I watched the old woman grimace at her worlds while the younger one glanced away clenching her jaw.

"We have come to realise that we made a grave mistake exiling you from-"

"Mistake?!" Mum exploded furiously in the middle of the woman's sentence. "What you did was not and never will be, a mistake." Mum hissed viciously at the pair and I shifted uneasily feeling a chill run down my spine. There was something powerful about mum and even caused the Lycans to cringe back from her.

"Mandy, we're trying-"

"I don't want to hear anything from you!" Mum screeched as loud as she could and I turned Donny away from her when he started crying. Mum glanced at me apologetically and I nodded in understanding. "You bound my powers, shunned me as your child, called Piper every name under the sun, stripped me of any title or possession, and abandoned me in a town ruled by Lycans. Why should I ever forgive you?" Mum hissed venomously at the women and they both couldn't look in her eyes. Pop was still lying on the ground but was rigid and tense waiting for something. I can't imagine what he's going through being so close to these women again.

The doors to the palace flew open and Slade bound down the stairs with a frantic look on his face. He was obviously told that Witches are getting antsy.

Now I have to deal with the repercussions.

Slade hurried to my side and pulled me close checking over our screaming son in the process. Then he gave everyone a disgruntled look I had to smooth a snicker at the sight of.

He's not in a friendly mood today.

Donny may or may not have kept kicking up a stink until we had him in the bed with us -Slade couldn't cuddle me properly.

"We didn't know what to do, Mandy." The younger one spoke softly lifting her face to square off with mum.

"Anything would have been better than what you did, Ivy." Mum told her firmly and 'Ivy' glanced away once again. "I tried contacting you for months afterward. I didn't want to be alone, never had such isolation from everything I knew before. But the second you realised that the Coven was yours, you turned your back on me." Mum whispered with a betrayed look on her face that caused Ivy to flinch slightly at mum's blow. "Not once did either of you check up on me. To see if I was even still alive." Mum sneered at them both in disgust and the older one pressed a hand to her chest. "I was the one who had to bite my pride and call the family who exiled me for the chance to reach my daughter in time. And still you both stand in front of me and say that it was all a mistake and you didn't know what to do?" Mum asked them rhetorically with her hands clenching together slowly. They both dropped to their knees with pained expressions.

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