I tried to shrug it off. I needed to see Jesse.

"Mom please. I need to see him."

She nodded slowly. Her eyes were worried.

"Okay. But you have to promise you'll call if your tumor goes off."

"I promise mom. I love you."

* * *

My mom dropped me off at Jesse's house at four. I walked up to the front stoop, ducking my head in the cold rain. My teeth chattered from the cold. As I waved goodbye to my mom in the car, I caught her worried gaze in the rear view mirror. She drove off, her dark almond eyes sad. Why was she so worried about me? Well I guess I would be too if my daughter only had three days to live.

I turned to the house and rang the doorbell, which was slick with rain. Seconds later, a short boy answered the door. He had curly blonde hair, and bright green eyes that reminded me of Jesse. He had a toothy grin that would make any adult coo. He also had red sneakers on, whose laces were hanging loosely to the floor.

This must be Ret.

He opened the door and let me inside with a giant grin.

"Your Jesse's spy girlfriend! Your preeety." Ret exclaimed, drawing out the word pretty.

I heard footsteps, and then Jesse came around the corner. He looked clean and fresh. With one look at me he could tell something was wrong.

"Ret, why don't you go get mom and dad? They should meet Willow."

Ret nodded eagerly and took off down the hall, yelling for his parents. No wonder they adored him.

"You don't look so good." Jesse said, coming to stand beside me.

I jutted out my lower lip. My resolve was shattering. I just wanted to break down and cry.

"Thanks. I try to look my best when I'm dying in three days."

Jesse's face crumpled, and then he folded me in his arms. I leaned into him, trying not to collapse. Trembling, I fought to keep my composure. His arms tightened around me.

"You should meet my parents. Then I want you all for myself." Jesse murmured.

There were footsteps, and then his parents were there. We broke apart, but Jesse still kept one arm firmly around my shoulders. I was grateful.

"Well hello dear, it's so nice to finally meet you."

Jesse's mom spoke in a lovely voice, like water flowing down rocks. She had dark hair that spilled down her back. Her eyes were gray, and her face was pale and kind.

"I'm Jacie West, and this is my husband, Zack West. It's so good to finally meet you Willow. We've heard so much about you."

I smiled and shook both of their hands respectively.

I noticed that Zack had blonde hair, that was receding and turning gray in some places. His eyes were green, and his nose was thin.

Jesse must have gotten his looks from his mom. The only resemblance to his dad was his mix in eye color.

Suddenly, I heard claws skid across the tile floor. A shrill bark rang out. Jesse steadied me with his arm as something white and fluffy crashed into me.

"Down Alfredo! Down Boy!" Jacie reprimanded him.

Alfredo is an breathtaking husky, with fur whiter than snow, and eyes sharper than ice. The dog tried to jump up on me again, but Jacie intervened.

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