Wow, You're Perfect

Start from the beginning

"Holy shit, you have three cavities?" I winced

"Dude, I felt that" said Maz as he rubbed his cheek

"Yeah" Sam laughed, "Well, I'll see you guys later" Sam hugged us and skated his way to the train station

"Well Marceline, what should we do today?" asked Maz

"Let's go eat somewhere, I'm starving"

We went to an Italian restaurant near Abbey's Eyes and got a booth in the back.

Maz and I ordered spaghetti and a personal pizza pie each. It was such a cozy little restaurant. It felt like we were dining in someone's home.

We were getting to know each other a lot more and it feels like I've known him for a long time.

Maz and I were ready to head out so we asked for the check and continued chatting up the night. Then suddenly my phone rang, it was Matthew.

"Hey Matthew, what's up?"

"Hey Marceline, do you have a few minutes to chat? I'll be real quick with it" he said

"Sure, just give me a sec" I covered the mic and told Maz that I have to step out for a bit and he nodded his said and mouthed the word 'go'.

"Sorry about that" I chuckled, "You were saying?"

"First off, sorry to bother you like this but I just have to tell you what's been happening" he sighed

"You're worrying me Matthew, what's wrong?"

"Alright look" he sighed, "Please just listen to me and don't say anything until I finish, okay?"

"Yeah, go ahead"

"I love you Marceline. I'm in love with you. I've tried to stop myself from loving you more than a friend, I swear, I really tried. I kept trying to force myself to only see you as my best friend but I couldn't. Marceline, I want us to grow into something that's more than just a friendship. I'm sorry, for feeling this way about you Marceline. There, I said it"

There was a long, awkward pause between us.

"Please say something Marceline"

I was frozen. I couldn't believe Matthew was telling me all this.

"Marceline please talk to me" said Matthew.

"Marceline, are you okay?" asked Maz in a low voice behind me, making me jump

I was too choked up to even answer him so I simply shook my head.

"Marcey, who's that? I heard another voice" asked Matthew.

"Matthew", I breathed, "I don't think this is a right time to talk about all this"

"Marceline, please let's just talk about this. Please think about this, you cannot just say you never felt an ounce of love for me. Remember that time you and I were at the park and you wanted to snuggle. You fell asleep on me, and you whispered 'Matthew, I wish I can stay here forever'. I know you felt something that night too" Matt said in a frustrated tone.

"Matthew, I love you as a friend. I care a lot about you, I do. I'm sorry Matthew, I really am but you and I will never happen" I said

"Then why did you wish to 'stay forever' with me that night? Why would you say something that can easily mean something else? You can't say that and expect me to not feel a spark between us"

"I said that was because I had a terrible day at home, don't you remember? My father was yelling at me about the dumbest shit and it was driving me crazy. I needed some time to get myself together and you were there for me. You helped me calm down and feel secure in that moment. Matthew that day at the park did mean something to me, it meant that I can always count on you for anything"

"Marceline are you okay?" interrupted Maz

"Who's that? It sounded like a guy. Is he...?" asked Matthew.

"No Matt, he isn't my boyfriend. He's one of the people I met when I arrived to Slade"

"Marceline, give me a chance to prove to you that we're meant to be, please!"

"Matthew", I said trying to keep it together, "please don't make a scene right now. Look, just call me when you've calmed down. Don't bother calling if you're gonna act the way you're acting now. Goodnight Matthew"

I hung up the phone and avoided Maz's stare. This was all too much to take in.

"Mars, who was that?"

"It's one of my friend's from back home, Matthew. He called to tell me about a few things, that's all" I said, trying to brush it off

"It sounded like he told you he likes you more than a friend, but you don't feel the same way. Am I right?"

I shrugged in agreement

"What's the matter, not your type?"

"I just don't feel the same way. I always thought of him as my best friend and nothing more. I feel really bad for letting him down the way I did but I don't want to lead him on either"

"Marceline, you shouldn't feel bad. Your heart says no, so you have every right to say no. It's alright to feel bad. Imagine what would happen had you lied to him and told him you felt the same. Both of you would be living a lie and both of you would be devastated once it's revealed that your feelings for him were a lie"

He grabbed me by the shoulders to meet eye to eye, "You turned someone down, and that someone happened to be your best friend. Things will change between the two of you, good or bad, it will happen. If you two can manage to talk things out, everything will be okay and even if you can't make things better between the two of you, everything will be okay. You'll soon find someone that can match your pace, don't worry" he said, rubbing small circles on my shoulders

"I'm guessing you went through the same thing?" I murmured

"No, the thing is, I only ever had one girlfriend. She cheated on me with Sam. But Sam is 100% innocent, I saw her flirting with him but Sam kept pushing her off of him"

"That's horrible Maz, I'm sorry to hear that"

He nodded his head, "It was a very dark time for me indeed. She admitted to never being in love with me. She only used me to get to Sam. But I was never upset with Sam, bros before...uh...yunno...'chicks'"

"Have you ever tried to reconnect with another girl since?"

"Since then, I never really fell for a girl. I don't really like feeling lonely but the girls around here are just not right. They don't understand me and they judge me for being a 'vandal'. I've met girls that whenever I wanna have a walk to look for good street art, they scrunch up their noses and prefer doing basic shit. But honestly, I've learned to be okay with that. I'll find someone, someday and so will you. I'm not worried about it, to be honest, I know I'll be fine" he said with a sensitive smile.

I nodded my head and leaned over to hug him. His mentality was so different than what I'm used to dealing with. He never scolded me like Matthew. Maz listened and spoke wisely.

Maz's P O V

Holy shit! She's hugging me!

She looked up and said "Thanks for listening to me ramble about my bullshit, Maz. Most importantly, thank you so much for giving me such amazing advice"

No one has never even thanked me for anything before. She's such a sweet and gentle person.

I felt like kissing her so damn bad.

I leaned in for a kiss . . .

[CURRENTLY BEING EDITED AUG.2017] The Arts (Mazzi Maz Fanfic) [R/EXPLICIT]Where stories live. Discover now