Chapter Ten: Let The Games Begin...

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Shanny stayed in the hospital for a few more days before they wanted to release her. I was with her the entire time trying to put things together. She told me not to worry about it when the time is right he'll reveal himself, but I don't have time for that I wanna be two steps ahead of this nigga not ten steps behind. We don't even know what this guy looks like and the whole Spellman Howard thing got my mind all fuzzy. Spellman is an all girl school, but Angle knows for sure the person goes to that school. So maybe it's a girl not a mystery guy, but then who? That still doesn't give us a name or a face. When the doctor comes in ready to discharge Shan she hands her a few prescriptions to pick up on the way home and she talks for a little bit before letting us go. Walking down the hall we get to the parking garage to find my car and something didn't feel right. "Come on Shanny hurry up." I whisper to her. She looks at me strange but i don't have time to explain. I reach for my gun in my purse and carry it on my side. When we get to the car shots are fired. We both duck and I look around to see where they came from. Down below I see feet running. I take a shot nipping the ankle, but they keep going. "Shit!" I yelled getting up. "What the hell was that?" Shanny screamed. "I don't fuckin know!" I shout back starting the car. I pull off and head home. "Shanny your staying with me you don't need to be alone right now." I insisted..

   Once we got home August came outside to help with her bags and I began telling him about the craziness that just happened to us moments ago. He frowns his face trying not to get upset. I think with everything thats happened between us he knows I can handle myself. He doesn't want me to though so telling him I got shot at today only means someones gonna end up in a ditch by the end of the week. I never doubted his connections or what he's truly capable of, and for him to be that strong, for him to be the ideal image of a protector it really turned me on. He gripped me up and told me to follow him. When we get to our room he shuts and locks the door. "August wait listen' "No shut up Kennia!" He said sternly. I closed my lips and looked him up and down. "Kennia I'm not comfortable with niggas shootin at you, so from now on I don't want you to leave this house. I want you to keep your ass here and let me and Keenian handle this." "Yea and where did that get you last time huh?" I shouted. "K I'm not gon' do this with you now chill the fuck out, cause you gettin outta hand, you got yaself into some shit and I'ma be the one to have to get you out. Just chill. you chasin a nigga who you never seen before." "Yea well I don't think it is a nigga I think it's a bitch." I said cutting him off. He rolls his eyes and sits down. "How you figure?" He questioned. "Because the person was selling big shit on Spellmans campus and Spellman is an all girl school. So I doubt it was the frat house down the street. According to Howard that frat house was on probation and on their last warning. They wouldn't dare sell out that house. So either they kept they stash on Spellman's campus and sold that way or your looking at a female in this case." I told him. He sits back taking in the information. "Can you get the names of all the drug dealers on campus?" "Yea." "You think the ones that fucked up Shanny is the same people that shot at yall today?" "Yea because I know for a fact this Ron character went off on her and trashed her place like that, there was more than one person there." I retort. He gets up and pulls me in. I straddle his hips and kiss him. "Don't ever yell at me like that again." I said hittin him. "Well don't make me mad like that again. K you don't understand how much I love you girl and the last thing I wanna do is put you in harms way. I'm the man I'm the one running this so you gotta let me do that, and that includes protecting you and them kids. Raise our babies, let me worry about outsiders trying to get in." He said kissing my lips. I shook my head agreeing with him for now...

     Later that night I finish getting the guest room ready for Shanny. She lays on the bed flipping through channels and soon she's engaging me in conversation. "Where are the twins?" She asked. "They're at my moms for now. Aug's mom is flying in too because we have another family crisis and the first thing in these situations is taking the kids out of everything. They'll be safer at my moms." I explain to her. She shakes her head and then I see the guilt build on her face. I sit next to her and grab her in for a hug. "Hey it's not your fault. We just gotta put an end to this, because I'm not ready to leave Atlanta just yet." I say laughing. I get a laugh out of her and then I ask her what I've been dying to know. "Why won't you just tell me everything that's really going on. What are you afraid of?" "Look K a few weeks ago I got a letter in the mail. I didn't read it but I opened it. It was signed by Toots which you know i thought was a little funny because I thought we got rid of him. Well I kept it with me and I did eventually read it. It was addressed to you though." She said handing it to me. "But K if Toots is really alive then this isn't over because whoever he's with, they run deep. There wasn't just one or two people who ran through my crib there was at least six, seven. He's building an army, he's ready for war." She said. I open the note to read it.

Dear Kennia,

  When I first saw you I thought to myself, damn this ain't right. She's such a pretty girl I don't wanna take her life, so I didn't. I let you live because that night you were my date. You didn't know who I was but I knew you very well. I thought you were sweet and innocent and that maybe you could do no wrong, well I was wrong. I think your a scared little bitch and when I catch up to you Ima make you beg for ya life. Better yet I'ma make ya man beg for ya life right before I kill you then I'ma make him suffer some more when I take his babies' away from him, because lets be real he is the one who put the dogs on me. Thought it would hold me down. It didn't haha. I know what your thinking, your family will help and you'll win in the end, but I don't think I'm gonna be so nice this time around. The next time I see you, if I've got a clear shot I'm taking it... 

                                                                                 Stay Safe, Toots

  I read the letter feeling the blood in my veins boil. Honey Chile his piece of shit ass girlfriend didn't put fear in my heart and he's no different. If you bleed like I bleed you are my equal. I'll come out on top only cause you threatened the babies. Never threaten the babies. I rush the note to August and we began to set up a plan. It's time to end this shit. For real this time...

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