Chapter |2|

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"Please come in." The gentleman speaks, his shoes clicking against the wonderfully tiled floor.
Eren looked at the man, absolutely confused on who this being was. He barely knew him, and he had come to him for a job.
Man was he an idiot.

This guy could be a mass murderer living in luxury and he wouldn't know because he didn't exactly take all the time to figure out who the man was.

Eren rubs his neck nervously and looks around at his surroundings, observing the fact that everything was clean and a wonderful scent of apple crisp runs into his nostrils, catching his train of thought off.

He dreamt about his mother, and how she used to bake sugary goods and pastries, and the feelings clenched his hard so hard he could have probably started crying.

"I'm Levi. Levi Ackerman." Levi breaks Eren out of his sad bliss of a day dream and he shakes his head, looking down at the man in the eyes. "I'm Er-"

Levi covers Erens mouth and sighs softly. "Tch, I know, Jean had told me before you came."

"So, your here for a job?" Levi questions, looking up at the taller teenager, a smirk arising on his face devilishly.
"Yeah.." Eren comments, adding a nod as he speaks.

"Walk and talk." Levi adds, walking through the overly large house.
Eren follows Levi, his sneakers squeaking against the floor annoyingly.

Levi sticks his hands in his pockets, a growl low in his throat. "Your damned shoes."

Eren laughs nervously and tries to be quieter, walking into the laundry room with Levi.
Levi goes to a bench and organizes some cleaning supplies, turning to the young boy.
"Wednesday, you start as a maid. You'll get paid twenty bucks an hour, and you'll be here as long as it takes you. Leave it or take it, Jaeger."

Eren blinks, shocked. A maid?!
He was a guy, why couldn't Levi had rephrased his words! It made him sound like an ultra girl. God, he barely knew this guy for less than ten minutes and he was already embarrassing him!


"A maid, Jaeger."

The two stared at each other in awkward silence, before Eren returned Levi's offer with a loud sigh, his thoughts bouncing around his head as he had no idea what to say.

"I'll accept." Eren said, a hesitate in his voice. He was nervous to accept this job, because he had to come to this guys house on Wednesday, and work there everyday for who knows how long, and again, he barely knew the guy, and what was in this gorgeous house.
I suppose if he had already accepted the job it was his fault, and he would have to deal with it. He had accepted.

"Oh, that's great." Levi spoke with a devilish tone, smirking more. Levi had a plan, to embarrass the kid, but make him guiltily pleasured in sight wise.
Eren didn't know it yet, but he was going to be faced with the hell of his decision.

"Thank you for accepting, Jaeger. You can leave now." Levi ushers Eren out, shutting the door quietly after Erens feet his the front porch.

Eren stuck his hands in his pockets and started making his way home, staring at his feet as the moved when he walked.
'That Levi guy seemed a bit creepy.'
Eren thought to himself, smelling in the crisp Autumn air. He didn't know much about him but he did have a hint of niceness, but he couldn't be too sure about it.

Eren kept thinking about the mans appearance, the tuxedo, the well brushed out hair, the height. It all changed his perspective, he thought Levi was sort of..


No of course not, that was weird.
Eren was a young, fifteen year old boy with raging hormones. It was just the hormones for sure, he didn't actually think Levi was attractive, obviously.

He walked into his fathers house and sighed softly, shutting the door behind him. "I'm home!" Eren's voice echoed throughout the empty house and then he sighed again.


Eren jumped, being startled and worked his way to his fathers office, a room going off from the living room. He pressed his ear up against the door, hearing muttered words and swears, even though they were muffled.

Fucking hell.

Piece of shit window.

Screw you, with a blender.

Eren shook his head and opened the door, viewing Jean, on the floor near a shattered window with his fist bleeding.
"What the hell's wrong with you Jean?!"

"I wanted to come see how you did with Levi, and when I went to the door it was locked. I just wanted to walk right in, usually what I do."
Jean smirked smugly and grabbed a rag, rapping the rag around his fist trying to stop the bleeding.

Eren shakes his head at Jean's stupidity and sits down in a chair, nervousness and embarrassment washing over him because of his experience, that he really didn't want to share.

"Welllll..." Jean rolls his eyes and sighs, looking at Eren, annoyed. "Just fucking tell me, Jaeger."

"Fine! Geez..I-he offered me to be a maid."

A outburst of laughter comes from Jean, his body instantly collapsing to the floor as he dies from laughter because of the job offer Eren had got. Eren grew more annoyed, every second that Jean was laughing.

"Stop." The young boy growled, Jean still laughing. Eren shook his head and ushered Jean out, slamming the door right after him.
He stomped up the stairs, completely careless of the broken window in his fathers office.

Damn, he didn't know Jean was that much of a dick.

Tuesday night, November 17.

Eren stared at the clock that read, '1:30 am.' And dreaded the fact that in a few hours he would have to go to school and then work, and quite honestly he was scared.

He was scared to go back to that gentleman's house, and clean around there, and maybe even find secrets he wasn't supposed to find.

Now he had made himself even more scared. He didn't want to go now, but $20 an hour?! With the matter of maybe a month, with saving up maybe he could get an apartment room for cheap.

Maybe just maybe, but anyway out of his fathers house was a good way.

Eren sighed and went to sleep, sort of worried on what would come in a few hours. He had to sleep, if he was going to work. He needed sleep.

Wednesday morning, November 18.

Eren ran down the stairs, buttoning his pants and putting his backpack on frantically.
He runs out of the house and runs to school, late once again.

This was going to be a long day.

The Part-Time Job [BoyxBoy] [Ereri]Where stories live. Discover now