Ian & Lacy

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Hi everyone,

I know its been an unbelievably long time. And this is probably the last thing any of you were expecting but to ease myself back into writing, I decided to write this short from Serendipitous: Harry's Story about Ian and Lacy. I had so much fun and I hope you guys do too.

I'm so sorry for my long hiatus but I will try to get back into the swing and write more for my remaining stories. Thank you!

Love you guys so much.


Sitting on the wooden bench in the middle of the courtyard was an unsuspecting sophomore. Black rimmed glasses rested on the bridge of his nose, his dark blonde hair perfectly groomed, a habit from growing up in a stoic upper class household where appearances to the public always had to be impeccable. He was after all an Ellis, his father often said, like as if that explained it all. The cold household, being raised by a strict Russian nanny, the expensive name brand... everything.

At hearing the sound of a whistle going off, Ian Ellis glanced up from his Microeconomics book. His blue eyes widened at seeing a large number of the campus' sorority girls all in shorts and their houses' shirts, running here and there. He barely blinked when a red headed sorority girl stood before him, her hands on her hips.

"You'll work." The female said before abruptly taking his arm. "Lacey I've got one!"

Hearing her name, Lacey Matherson whirled around to find her best friend Riley dragging a blonde haired male behind her, who looked utterly confused. "He has to be willing Riley!" Lacey said though laughing because the poor guy had a total deer in the headlights expression on his face as he held his textbook under his arm.

Hearing her laugh though, Ian stopped staring at the abrupt red head, Riley apparently, to look where the laugh had come from. His dark blonde brows furrowed when the other female, Lacey, smiled widely at him, cocking her head, like as if she were observing him. "Though he has nice legs," Lacey teased looking at Ian's quarter length pressed khaki pants. "He would look good in a skirt or a dress." She said with the lightest lit of laughter in her voice.

"I was thinking the same thing." Riley devilishly grinned, still tugging him with her.

"What?" Ian asked. "Excuse me!"

Lacey pulled her dark brown hair up in a bun on the top of her head. "Well stranger, what do you say about a chance to win a hundred dollar gift card to the bookstore?"

Ian blinked. "But a skirt, a dress?" He asked skeptically.

This time the brunette female before him threw her head back and laughed. Shaking her head, she smiled this time only at him, her light brown eyes lighting up with mischief. "What do you say about being our contestant for Mr. Sorority?"

Ian blinked once more, though this time both at the female's gorgeous smile that was still playing at her lips, her eyes alit with laughter, and the Mr. Sorority. His blue eyes bored into hers, trying to find something but he was unsure what.

"You don't have to say yes," Lacey Matherson said softly, a small laugh escaping when she saw his even more puzzled expression. Poor Bambi, she thought silently.

"It takes a real man to wear a skirt and heels," Riley added but Ian paid her no mind.

"Yes," Ian said finally, his eyes never leaving Lacey's.

Dark black lashes fluttered as the owner of them blinked. "Really?"

Ian gulped, opening and closing his eyes. Then he couldn't help but wince. Yet he had said yes and he was always taught to never go back on his words. "Really," He said though weaker in conviction this time.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2015 ⏰

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