"You are gonna start a war," Kieran stressed.

"I'd like to see them try," police chief sneered. "Oh, and Kieran, this is the last time you call a meeting. Next time you want to criticize our leadership, send a damn e-mail."

"I thought you called this meeting," Kieran said, standing up. The stress look didn't leave his face but concern and worry now showed. He was catching on.

"The hell we did," police cheif scoffed.

"Actually, I called it," Klaus stated. He left me in the room off to the side while I watched everything. It was hard to see Kieran since his back was in my general direction but from this angle I could just barely see his face. "It appears I made a grave error during our earlier conference. My friend Marcel offered me wise counsel and I failed to heed it."

"Hmm, well, I'm glad to hear you've learned your lesson," police cheif said cockily. Yeah, he deserved to die.

"Oh, I won't be making that mistake again," Klaus assured, walking towards the cheif while smirking. "Marcel?"

In a second Marcel came out and stabbed the guy in the neck. Blood gushed out and I sighed, coming out of my spot in the room. Screams sounded off while the cheif fell over, dead. Klaus smirked and moved over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist while Marcel laughed at the now dead guy. "Shall we?" Klaus asked him, gesturing to everyone else at the table.

"After you," Marcel smiled. Klaus grinned and let me go and then the slaughter happened. I waited by the doors and then when it was all over I watched Klaus stop drinking someone dry and walked over to Kieran. "There he is, our lone survivor. Such a sad day for our city, some of its best and brightest killed in a boating accident on the Mississippi. Rather nasty explosion, I heard," Klaus said to him and then made Kieran face him.

"What am I going to do with you?" Klaus asked.

"Let him go," I answered, smirking when he looked over at me. "Come on. He's the nice one. He's smart and he's helped you out. Plus he's Cami's uncle. And she's our friend," I stated.

"Our friend? You are just on a mission to make friends are't you?" He teased and I shrugged, smiling sweetly at him.

"Yeah, I've known Kieran for a long time. He's smart, he's fair. He can do us more good alive than dead," Marcel added.

Klaus grinned bitterly at me and let Kieran go. "Very well. Use this reprieve to remake your human faction," Klaus said, gesturing to the dead bodies. Ew.

"And how do you expect me to remake the mayor?" Kieran asked.

"Well, surely there's a deputy mayor. Choose new leaders. Then we reopen negotiations," Klaus walked back to me and picked me up bridal style, carrying me out to our car/truck.


Klaus and I had went back to the compound with Marcel. The guys had went and talked while I went to take a long nap since I was tired. When I woke up later though it was night. Klaus was in the room by the foot of the bed, talking on the phone. He was obviously angry. I watched him for a second and watched him hang up the phone and begin pacing.

"Baby, what's wrong?" I asked him groggily, sitting up in bed.

"Elijah and Rebekah have been keeping the vampires from doing the hunting I allowed them to do on the wolves," Klaus said.

"Oh," I gulped.

"Yes, Diego just called," he said and I bit my lip. He walked over and sat on the bed, sighing. I felt like this was my time to admit that I sent them. I didn't want to though. I was scared. He was going to be so angry. But I was lying to him basically and that was wrong.

Taming The Hybrid (TVD. Klaus Mikaelson)Where stories live. Discover now