Chapter 1: Harry and Ginny's secret

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( Harry was unable to comprehend what happened , so I Mysteria Shadows will explain.)

I knew Harry's Mum and Dad as a student  in Hogwarts . I like a select few have the ability to bring back the dead to life as in living beings. This is to say I could and would do anything to return Harry's mum and dad back to life to be with their son.

when I had been given notice that Harry's abuse had gotten worse to a level that didn't bare thinkning about. I had to act.

I summoned Triantenue Coronado Flint the mother of Nanny Yvonne Flint , yes I said Nanny Yvonne.

No one knew  of course though since we live in hiding from muggles now a days.

I myself am the adopted sister of Nanny Stella Reid .We were discussing this ability, with Nanny Deb listening . When I had a vision of conversing with the Fates. They told me in simple words, "It's the Time." knowing now that I had to do what I been planning for years.

I gave Triantenue a look that spoke volumes.

We needed to act now, we also could not count on Professor Carolyn Binngachi Paris, became she wasn't feeling well at the moment.  Even with her Wonder Rachel knew she had weakened about in magic.

We officiated the  powers with our kids and friends , Severus Snape, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black.  Together we proceeded to the area intended by the Fates .

" Crack!'

We apparated to Private Drive and yelled, "Imperita Resurrecta!"

That was when James and Lily appeared , we that is Myself and Triantenue knew they would know what to do. So we let them take care of it. Then we proceeded back to Nanny Central to prepare for the next phase.

++++++++++++ TIME LAPSE++++++++++

++ NEXT MORNING at Nanny Central++

+ Ginny's POV +

I and my family were brought to Nanny Central to be told what had happened to Harry. When we arrived I began to get nervous about what I needed to tell Harry. I hadn't told anyone about my being pregnant. Even though I could tell they knew I was hiding something. Mum could always tell.

Well I got to meet four people I thought I would never get to. Supernanny and the nannies of Nanny 911! I mean their shows are some of the few muggle shows I actually like! They were now looking at me with knowing eyes. I had to say something and soon!

I walked into the room and standing there with Professor Snape was  a few others.

Professor Lupin..... and Sirius Black?!

And I thought I was staring into the eyes of Harry's Mum and Dad although I couldn't remember why. they're dead I thought .

They were also looking at me with suspicion as I knew they would. Finally I let it slip, " Harry and I had an affair last year and I got pregnant, only we used the pregnancy potion to do it." It was right then that I knew that Harry and I were definitely in trouble. I read that much in his and my parents faces.

James and Lily Potter and the others were livid at the announcement.

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