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Bright light blinding my eyes, a light summer breeze sending shivers down my spine, I looked around; beacons of light touching every inch of the ground, painting the sky in beautiful shades of yellow, rose and purple. The sound of the current of the river underneath my feet was barely recognizable through the murmuring crowd that was standing on the bridge, regarding something I couldn't see, yet.

Perhaps I didn't want to see it, didn't want to be that curious. But just like a moth was attracted to the light, an inner desire was pushing me towards the spectacle, reluctantly at first. And with each step I made towards the scenario, the noises of the crowd were getting louder and louder, penetratingly invading my ears. Some of them were silent sobs, some seemed to be in some kind of shock, covering their wide open mouths with their hands, their pupils dilated, while others were already trying to put the pieces together.

And eventually, I was able to make my way through the crowd, make my way to the one place everyone was observing so closely; in opposite to me who easily managed to find a way through this mess without catching anyone's attention at all. To be honest, it was not really surprising, regarding the fact I was a dead man, simply strolling around earth like ghosts did occasionally. No one ever made a mess out of that. Well, except a few gifted people, who probably wouldn't name themselves like that but more less haunted.

Regardless from that, I eventually spotted what was keeping everyone in shock. And if I hadn't already been dead, my heart probably would have skipped a beat at that sight, instantly bringing back those old, painful memories.

There was a man laying on the cold concrete ground of the bridge. A tall, athletic man, pale face, with chestnut brown hair and a three day stubble, his clothes wet soaked while two other men were kneeling right next to his (seemingly) lifeless body, pressing their hands against his chest over and over again.

"C'mon", I could hear one of them, a paramedic, mumble under his breath, "Stay with me."

Tilting my head, I moved closer towards them, curious as I was. Until I eventually knelt down right next to the unconscious man, regarding him closely just like those annoying people I had always despised, the ones that were watching my accident, our accident like that.

With his eyes closed, he seemed to be so peaceful, like he was just asleep, taking a short nap. And as the paramedics continued resuscitating him, I started wondering whether this was what he wanted. Did he want to live? Live this life, each and every day?

Usually, you'd expect a simple answer like yes. But suddenly recognizing the gap in the barrier, I was no longer sure about that. Taking a step closer towards the edge, I eventually spotted the cause for this gap. A car, a grey Audi I suppose, was slowly sinking in the river, small bubbles of air reaching the surface as the vehicle sank deeper and deeper.

Maybe it was an accident. But maybe it was on purpose. Nobody knew and perhaps would never know.

Turning around, I instantly paused, feeling someone else's gaze locked on me. Looking around, I eventually saw him. A man, he was there, standing on the other side of the bridge, his eyes constantly focused on me and every move I made.

How was that possible? Did he really see me or was there something else he was regarding? Something behind my back, maybe? He couldn't be watching me, no, definitely not.

But as I continued walking around, I realized he was in fact observing me, his blue-greenish eyes never looking away.

Slowly feeling nervousness and anxiety (for whatever reasons at all) growing on me, I decided to walk away, leave this horrible planet, be with her, with them again.

The Transmigration Of Souls [How To Save A Life Sequel]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora