the assignment

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Mika never really liked sanguinem. Not just because it was a city of vampires, but his pressious princess, yuichiro, had lost his life here.

" yuu-chan..." Mika said in a sad tone. Even though he tried to hide it. He still couldn't deny the emptiness he felt without yuu by his side.

Mika walked down the long corridor to the throne room, to receive his next mission. He didn't really like doing them, but he preferred to stay on the 'queen's' good side.

" ah, Mika. There you are." Krul says in her usual flirty tone.

" what's the assignment this time?" Mika sighs. He wasn't interested in krul. Not in the slightest.

Krul studied him for a moment before continuing.
" I want you to sneak into a school in the human world. " she chose her words carefully. " to see what they are planing next." She hands him a uniform for the school, and allows him to leave.

" the human world" mika mumbles to himself. "How I've wanted to go back" he then continued muttering in a sarcastic tone down the halls and to the exit.

=the next day at the human school=

Mika got his new locker combination and his new dorm number from the front office. Although he hated humans with every fiber of his being, he forced himself to smile.

Mika sat down in his homeroom class. Apperantly, krul had set this up ahead of time, so he didn't need to introduce himself. However, the teacher walked in with a welcoming smile. She then signaled for someone to enter the room.

" class. This is our new student Yuichiro Amane." She says in an introductive voice. Mika immediately looked up and over to the new student. It was yuu.....

Mika almost cried, and jumped up to hug him. But something stopped him. When yuu looked toward him, there was only a spark of recognization. Then he looked away and took his seat. Leaving mikaela heartbroken once again.

Why? Mika thought. Why doesn't he remember me?

Mika spent the rest of the day trying to think of a way to talk to yuu. There had to be some way to get his memories back. And when he does, mika could be happy again.

" don't worry yuu-chan..." Mika says to himself after school. "I'll get your memory back. I promise." And with that, he set off to find his new dorm.

I thought i'd lost you...Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora