chapter 3 : Porn..Bf..and more

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Anwita ,Purbasha, Shireen and me planned to visit Lopa's house for funtime together . To introduce...we were going to watch a porn movie for real on Lopa's laptop. She had downloaded it and said proudly," I bet you have never ever seen a movie like this ."
Is it some geek horror film, asked Shireen.
She smiled naughtily and said ,"well see for yourselves."
Everyone was inquisitive by then . I was awestruck as i turned to look at the laptop screen. I turned to look away when I found Anwita's mouth open just like a gaping pig. Purbasha felt a sensation down there and Shireen wanted to puke badly. Every one or two seconds.. All of us were like "eeeeeeewwwwww" . It was gross but I watched a porn movie for real -a 24:56 movie for the first time . What the hell...!!!! Gross....
Lopa closed the laptop and by then my face had turned pale as if I had tasted something really bitter . I somehow managed to say, "How do they suck that thing ...that dick..??" This was horny .
Try it for real! Lopa said .
I cant afford to lose my virginity at fucking thirteen.
Aisha, no big deal..chill...Lopa said.
I enrolled myself in a camp where I met my love -Drake . Yeah..finally I got committed to Drake Joseph- My first boyfriend and I was in love with him. We were both six graders and we were meant for each other. Our fate had other plans though. Drake was a guy from Bihar . He was a boy of perfection. Good looks. Check. Cute dimples. Check. Fabulous hairstyle. Check . lovely lips. Check. Tall height. Check. Hot body with abs . Check :p I felt lucky to have got him. I was no less back then. We looked perfect together to make the world jealous. We enjoyed the camp thoroughly and spent time with each other . He had to go back to Bihar and so we got separated. We promised each other that we would be in contact through facebook. I missed my boyfriend and so did he . Long distance relationships just dont work out . So did ours. I realised that I did not love him was just infatuation. One year had passed and so our talks stopped . I finally decided to break up with him. He was cool with it . He promised to be friends with me . First breakup hurts. But that's what life is Love. Breakup. Zindagi ;)

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