chapter 2 - Alive and Kicking

Start from the beginning

From 1.22 "From a Cradle to a Grave", in Marcel's Loft, Noah and Caitlin were talking. Noah stopped within inches of Caitlin.

Caitlin looked as if the denial had final went away and she let the truth sink it. She started to cry silently. "My parents tried to kill me."

Noah wrapped his arms around Caitlin in regret.

Caitlin cried into his shoulder, unmoving. 

From 1.22 "From a Cradle to a Grave", outside the plantation, Cassie/Esther and Vincent/Finn stood by Esther's grave.

Kassandra: (voice over from 1.22 From a Cradle to a Grave) "We should have known our mother would not be bound by anything as obvious as death."

Cassie/Esther looked at Vincent/Finn. "We have much to do."

Vincent/Finn nodded in agreement. "Yes, Mother."

From 2.01 "Rebirth", outside the record store, Kaleb/Kol smirked, holding his hand toward Davina. "I'm Kaleb."

Davina shook his hand. "Davina."

From 2.01 "Rebirth", in the lycee, Cassie/Esther, Vincent/Finn and Kaleb/Kol were talking.

"Finn, Kol, we have a family reunion to plan," Cassie/Esther told them.

From 2.01 "Rebirth", in the Quarter, the werewolves that had Mikayla restrained with chains dragged her up to Francesca. They let the weight of the chains around her ankles and wrists make her fall, walking away.

Francesca slit Mikayla's throat widely.

Hayley saw, freezing midfight in the midst of the dying werewolves and the ones fighting on their side, in the middle of the flames that couldn't kill her, enraged. "Mikayla!" 

Mikayla gasped in pain, gasping for breath, blood pouring from her throat, slowly falling.

From 2.01 "Rebirth", in Mikayla's room, Mikayla gasped herself back to life, sitting up.

Hayley held Mikayla's arms to calm her down, sighing in relief.

Hayley held the vial of Hope's blood toward Mikayla.

Mikayla sighed, closing her eyes, taking the blood in the vial as she would take alcohol in a shot glass. She opened her eyes. They were glowing gold. Veins started to crawl underneath her eyes. She closed her eyes, blinking the glowing gold away. The veins disappeared before she opened her eyes.

Mikayla: (voice over from 1.22 From a Cradle to a Grave) "Whatever it takes to save our family."


Flashback 1 - 1702

Cadiz, Spain

Night - Village 

In the distance, a fire raged in the village, while two men on horseback fled from the threat.



Dozens of dead bodies were strewn around the floor. Blood was everywhere.

Klaus and Elijah walked in.

Klaus looked around at the bodies angrily. "Kol!"

Klaus and Elijah were disgusted by the bloody scene.

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