Louise struggled some more. "You're sick!"

"And you're hot." I started taking slow steps toward until he was inches away. "And, oh look at that. You're all chained up." He reached for her face and she jerked back. "Oh there won't be any of that. He forcefully grabbed her face and kissed her.

I turned to look at her. Her face showed a mess of confusion and horror. "You have to help her."

She looked to me with sorrow. "But I can't. I can't save everyone, and I fear that this is one of the moments I can't do anything."

Anger grew in me. "Can I talking to anyone in the living realm?"

She looked back to the screen. "I don't think that is a good idea."

Thoughts raised through my head and I finally decided what I was going to do. "Just let me send a link to my brother, Augustus. He's the only one I need to talk to."

She thought for a moment. "Okay."

I felt something click in my mind and I reached out to my twin. "Augustus, I don't have a lot of time but I need you to bring me back. Now!"

"But, I don't know if I have enough power."

"Then I'll help you."

The link unclicked.

"Thank you, for everything you've given me. No words can explain how grateful I am."

"Daughter, you have already done so many great things. You don't need to thank me because you've already shown me how grateful you are." She held her arms out and I walked into them.

We soon pulled away and I walked to a water fountain. I felt something pulling me.

I had wanted to stay here so bad when I first got here. Now all I could think about was getting back.

I imagined a rope tied around my waist. I imagined my grabbing ahold of that rope and climbing it. There was a sudden flash of light and I closed my eyes. I felt my soul leave the goddess's palace and enter my body.


I opened my eyes slowly. Sunlight flooded my vision.

Once my eyes adjusted I saw my brothers standing over me. They looked both happy and confused. Of course, Augustus looked drained from bringing me back.

Once they saw I was awake, they smiled. "I thought you said you would help me bring you back."

I went to sit up but instantly got dizzy from the power drain. "Believe me, I did."

They saw my struggle and helped me up. "Dang, you took most of the heat, didn't you?"

I nodded. Then I remembered about Louise. "We have to, get back, to the house. Louise, Max, trouble." I gasped for air.

My brothers looked at each other then sprang into action. Aiden picked me back up and Augustus picked up Annalise from a makeshift cradle (I'm assuming Aiden made with a spell). Then they took off running.

On our way, I took all the power I could muster and healed Augustus and healed myself to the extent that I probably could've ran if I wanted to, but I decided it was best to save my energy.

Once we finally got there, I jumped out of Aiden's arms. I ran into the living room and saw my mates look up. At first I saw shock, then pure love. They got up and were going to tackle me, but I raised my hand. I raced passed them and up the stairs.

I could hear Louise straining against the chains. I thought of them melting into water and the water freezing Max into a cage. I walked into the room and saw Louise about to collapse. I ran to her and wrapped my arms around her. "Shh, shh. Its okay, you're okay." She was sobbing. Her clothes were all messed up.

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