Congrats, It's a Girl! (episode/book 2 ) (script form)

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this is book 2 /episode 2. this is a Christmas episode.

* * * Kilkishen Church, Ireland * * *

A cloaked figure enters an abandoned church in the woods. It's a dark and overcast evening. The moonlight is the only light for miles. Our cloaked figure removes their hood. We see Sarah standing alone. She takes a deep breath in and looks around the old building. She walks up to where the altar remains still surprisingly intact. She places her hands upon the altar and closes her eyes.

Sarah: Please, if anyone or anything is here, I need help. She waits in the unmoving silence. Please, I am not here to harm you. I just need answers.   She whispers.  I beg you.  She waits again in the silence. She hears a scuffle to her right. She slowly takes in a deep breath but keeps her body still so as not to scare what may be coming. Beside her is a Faye.

The Faye: What questions do you have, Sarah Le Faye?

Sarah turns to the Faye: You know me?

The Faye: Yes, child. We all know you. She smiles sweetly. You belong to Morgaine Le Faye!

Sarah takes the Faye's hands: I need to find myself.

The Faye laughs heartily: Why you are right here!

Sarah shakes her head: Not physically myself. But rather WHO I am. I am at a crossroads. I am losing myself, I fear.

The Faye nods: I see. She frowns. I cannot help you with that. I am sorry.

Sarah frowns now: Do you know who can help me?

The Faye seems suddenly nervous. She shakes her head and makes to leave: I must be going.

Sarah grabs her arm: Please, tell me where I should go. I am not afraid, like you seem to be.

The Faye stops and looks from Sarah's grasp to her pleading eyes. She drops her arms and stands straighter: Do you really want to know?

Sarah nods.

The Faye: It may be more than you bargained for. The Faye gives Sarah a concerned look.

Sarah: I have to do this. It's not that I want to but rather that I need to. No matter what may come of it. Please.

The Faye nods: Very well, then. Come with me.

Sarah follows the Faye deeper through the woods until the mist circles around them. It gets so thick Sarah almost feels lost in it. She remembers the stories of those who have become lost forever in the mist. She takes a deep breath in and calms her nerves. The mist parts as she calms. She sees the Faye with others like her through the other side of the mist. Sarah steps out of the mist.

A male Faye steps forward: Greetings, Sarah Le Faye. Come and follow me.

Sarah silently follows him. He brings her to what appears to be a throne room. There is a woman Faye sitting in a large chair. She appears to be a Queen.

The Queen Faye: Welcome, child. How have your travels found you?

Sarah bows awkwardly: Thus far? Challenging.

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