Jack had already started looking for the girl as he stepped out of the office. His heart thudded in excitement to finally touch the only thing that wouldn’t frost over. It would release the thousands of years of waiting, the thousands of years of wanting to touch the human flesh that would always stay warm and alive.

     A bell rang overhead, and students were pushing to get to their classes before they were late. Jack made sure to keep his fists clenched in his pockets and not out in the open. Everywhere he turned, he was being pushed, shoved, and ran into. Never in his thousands of years has he been treated this way, though it wasn’t intentional.

     Jack was almost to the brink where he would kneel and force all his frost into the ground to stop the people near him, but he reign in back into himself.

     Breathe, he thought.

     In, out. In, out. In, out.

     Slowly, he calmed down and ignored the kids still pushing to get around him. Others were looking at him like he was weird.

     Probably because I’m standing still in the middle of a stampeding hallway, he thought.

     Slowly, very slowly, he started to walk again.

     Only a few seconds had passed when he felt a tingling start in his toes, crawling up his feet, ankles, legs, and reached the top of his head, where his eyes experienced a bright light. The light stopped Jack in his tracks, along with his breath.

     He could feel it, he could feel his soul. He could feel the half that had parted with him so many millennia ago.

     The feeling became bigger and bigger, until it felt as if he would explode. He knew that this half of his soul was close.

     So very, very close.

     Finally, the blinding white light faded away, and he turned frantically, trying to find what he could not see.

     People were still pushing around him, toward him, passed him. He did not pay attention to them, to any of them. All he cared about was the girl.

     Jack started to push his way through, not using his hands but his arms. He pushed, and pushed, and pushed, until his arm connected with warmth.

     The blinding light came back with a force, brighter than before, and he could tell that the warmth he was feeling saw it too.

     A small whisper edged its way into Jack’s head, becoming louder and louder as the whisper became clearer.

     At that point, he knew what it was saying, and he whispered the words it spoke.

With eyes bluer than the sea,

No other color could decree.

Skin the finest gold,

Having the complexion a hue of bold.

Lips as red as blood,

Giving every man’s heart a thud.

Locks the color of wet earth with shine,

Smelling of roses and lavender divine.

Cheeks a blossom of light pink,

Seeing the bones with a slight sink.

A nose with curve and flutter lace,

Freckles throughout the soft face.

Her troubled gaze a part of life,

A home so quiet but full of strife.

Heartbreak through only the cold,

Faltering her step into the foretold. No love, no grave,

Shall the eternal feeling rave.

A heart so giving, a heart so kind,

See her life soon be twined.

Her love be returned with the bearer of her soul,

Calm her being with cajole.

Bestow a start so chocking and full,

In the end as soft as wool.

Let her love and let her be,

For eternity with the one she set free.

     As Jack finished those words, the light faded once again, and the warmth was gone. He panicked, he needed to find the one who was described in his words.

     He turned around to look, and spotted someone running toward the front doors. He started to run to the doors too, yelling for the runner to wait, to stop, but she did not. She kept on running until she was out of his sight and far away from him.

     He knew he would have to find her, and find her fast. So he looked back at the school and the eyes that stared, turned around, blinked, and shot up into the sky. He didn’t that the students saw him at one minute, and the next he was gone. All he cared about was getting to the girl.

Frost's Touch (Book One of the Eternal Warmth Trilogy)Where stories live. Discover now