Chapter 13

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The Next day

Kiara POV

i woke up at 2 in the afternoon with a killa headache, i sat up slowly nd looked around to see i was in my house....idek how i got here

"hey daddy" some red head jawn said coming out my bathroom completely naked

i looked at her confused. i looked under the cover nd seen i was naked as well ,

"uhm what happened last night" i asked the red head

" well you and yah friend came to the club last night and you got pretty wasted and your friend had left you and i seen you stumbling out the club at like 1 am so I offered to take you home and you kept feeling on my ass and i kept asking you where you live and you finally told and i brought you home and you insisted i come in with you and one thing led to another and yeah "

i sat there for a min trying to remember  but couldn't

" im sorry i can't remember none of that , whats yah name mamas"

" Brandy "

" cool thank you for bringing me home ,  but I have some things to do today so maybe we can meet up another time "

" yeah that's sounds cool "

i grabbed my phone off the night stand nd unlocked it nd gave it to her to put her number in it , after she did it sje gave me my phone back ,

" well ima get going call me soon " she grabbed her clothes from off the gloor nd got dressed , i got up wnd put on my boxers and bra and walked her out ,
i sighed nd flopped  down on the couch


I woke up in kings arms , i tried to get outta her hold w/o waking her up buh I failed horribly

" baby where you going " she asked in a raspy voice

" to make some breakfast "i said smiling

"wake me up when you done"

i walked into the bathroom brushed my teeth and washed my face nd put my hair in a pony tail then went down stairs into the kitchen nd began to make breakfast

Clair POV

i was at school right in class bored outta my mind sitting next to Carly she in her phone texting away , idk what the man is teaching ,

"Carly do you think it was a mistake letting Aaron give that girl my number"

"well i heard she got hella hoes yah know"

" she texted me last night , i was to sleepy to read it or respond "

"textt her backk girl"

" ared ared fine chill" i pulled out my phone and went to the messages

Text Convo

?- hey this is dom

me - hey

dom - damn you whole 24 hours late

me - lol im sorry I was so sleepy

dom - its cool but wyd cutie

Me - in class bored outta my mind hbu

dom - chilling , when we gonna link up

me - idk you tell me

dom - ared ima let you know im bouta go handle some things then ima hit yu up later

me - kk

Fuzz POV

"damn baby" i said nicki rode my strap faster and digging her nails in my shoulders

she screamed out that she was bout cum she kept going soon after she came all down my strap .she got up off it nd laid there ,

" whats wrong baby "i asked pulling her close to me

"nothingg just trinna regain feeling in my legs"

i laughed alil ,

" you wanna go with me to go pick up clair from school "

"ye-" she got cutt off by my phone ringing

it was clair FaceTiming me

i picker up my phone an answered it and put it to my face

lil sissy - hey sis wydd ans where are yah clothes

me - lol nuffin laying here wit nick and they on the floor

lil sissy - oh god yall beinf nasty again lol

me - yuppp lol

lil sissy - ared well I just called to tell you that i got a ride to yah house so no need to come

me - ight cool i got sum for you when you come

lil sissy - ahhh is it Money ?!

me- nopee lol youll find out when you get here

lil sissy - ared see you soon bum

then she hung up I put my phone down and looked over to see nicki knocked out

Dom in Pic Above

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