Chapter 8

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I quickly calmed down from being shocked by Brenda seeing Oz and I kiss. "I wanted to see what it was like kissing a filthy bloodsucker." I lied, half way. I did want to kiss Oz. "It was disgusting."

"Not much better on my end either." he said, doing a very convincing disgusted look.

"Plus I was going to use it as blackmail for if he ever desides to mess with me." I add.

Brenda gives us a look that says that she isn't convinced. Just then we hear her sister calling her. She goes to her sister without another word.

"Next time. Lock the door." I said.

His eyebrows raise in amusement. "Who said there is going to be a next time?"

I cross my arms over my chest. "Face it, you are gonna have a hard time keeping your hands off of me."

"That is too true." he says in a low husky voice. He walks to the door, instead of locking it he opens it up. "Until next time." Then he walks out leaving me in my room.

I sigh. I swear, I was to kill him sometimes! Othertimes I want to give into my wild side and satisfy him.

"Rina?" Chrissy asks. She opens the door. "You okay?"

"Fine." I said. "Just fine."

"So do you wanna go get some pizza with me, Nathan, and Oz? Schools giving us permission to go out."

My heart skipped a beat at the mention of Oz. "Sure, I'll go."

She smiles. "Great. You've been all out of sorts since the dance. This will hopefully make you feel better."

"Thanks. Maybe this will be just what I need." I said. "I'm gonna change."

"I'll be with Nathan." she said. Then she leaves the room.

I start to change. I take off my top, leaving me in my jeans and my sports bra. I go over to my closet  to chose my top for our little outting.

I hear the door open. "I'll be out in a minute." I said, thinking it was Chrissy.

"What the hell are you thinking?" Oz asks.

I turn around to see him frozen as he takes me in. "What the hell do I think I'm doing? I'm changing. Is that a problem?"

He groans. "Not at all." He walks closer to me and pins me against the wall. "You are trying to make my life a living hell aren't you?"

"I..........I didn't ask you to come in here and see me in my bra." I said after taking a deep breath.

He runs his hands along my sides. "I don't think you should come to eat pizza with us."

"Why not?" I ask, smacking his hands away from my sides.

"Because it's gonna be difficult staying off of you." he said.

"We have to try though. If we don't go out in public and see each other, people are going to be suspicious." I said, rationally.

He sighs. "Fine, but you have to give me a kiss before I leave."

I give him a quick kiss. "You have your kiss, now go."

"Kiss me like you mean it, babe." he said.

I put my lips to him, wrapping my arms his neck. "Only if you kiss me back."

"Mmhmmm that sounds too nice." he smirked.

I put my lips to his. He lifts me up so that I have to wrap my legs around his waist. I kiss him with everything I have. He does the same. He's the one who breaks the kiss first. Both of us are breathing hard.

"You need to finish getting ready." he says in a low tone.

"Yeah. I guess I do." I said.

He quickly goes out of the room.

I lean against the wall. Yeah, this is going to be really hard to be near him.

I go to my closet and get out an off the shoulder light green top. I let my hair out of it's ponytail and run a brush through it. My hair looked better down today. I slide on a pair of wedges that match my top and head out to meet the others.

"Hey," I said to them. "I'm ready."

"M'kay. Now we have to wait a minute for Oz. He had to go take a shower or something." Nathan explains.

"Oh! Okay." I said, taking a seat in the arm chair.

After a few minutes Oz comes out. His hair is wet, suggesting that he has just gotten out of the shower. He wore a pair of dark jeans that fit him in all the right places on top of that a black t-shirt that showed his abs. It took every single once of self control not to drag him into a room and lock the door.

"Ready to go?" he asks.

"Yeah." I said, my voice sounded kind of forced.

"So let's go." Chrissy said.

And we all headed out the door. I exchanged looked with Oz.

This was definately going to be hard.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2011 ⏰

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