He sipped his water, staring at her from over the glass, as though deciding whether to push his advantage for more flirtation, or take her up on her offer to talk business. Finally, he sighed, pushing his shoes off his feet, and swinging his legs on the bed. He lay back on the pillow, staring at the ceiling, and answered her question.

"I want to buy his company. He doesn't want to sell it."

"How can you buy something that's not for sale?"

"Well," he said, "he has three brothers and one sister who all own seventeen point five percent of the company each. That's seventy percent. None of them have ever worked for Harrison Shipbuilding or maintained an emotional connection to the company. They live off the interest from their shares, but otherwise have little to do with the day-to-day operations. Only one of them even serves on the board.

Anyway, the company is valued at two hundred and fifty million dollars. Each of the siblings are lining up with their hands out for their forty-two million dollar shares. But, J.J. refuses to sell."

"At thirty percent, he'd make... oh my God, seventy-five million dollars? That can't be right!"

Barrett nodded at the ceiling. "It is."

"And he's refusing?"

"Yup. Digging his heels in, too."


Barrett sucked a deep breath through his nose and sighed. "He loves the company. He doesn't want to give it up. He doesn't want to relinquish control. Something about fishing boats and his grandfather."

"Ohhhh," said Emily. "He has an emotional investment in the company. I guess you can't put a dollar sign on that."

"Usually you can."

"So, what will you do? If he won't sell?"

Barrett huffed. "It'll get messy, but I'll still get the company in the end."

"How messy?"

"I'll buy the seventy percent. With that majority, I'll take over the board. I'll force him out."

"That sounds cold and messy," she observed, trying to keep the disappointment she felt out of her voice.

He flinched, which clutched at her heart, but she felt like maybe he should take a moment to think about what the company meant to J.J. Harrison.

"Cold or not, it is messy," he agreed, leaning up on an elbow and shifting to his side to look at her. "He has the loyalty of his employees. I could get a walk-out at his factories. He could make things difficult for us. It wouldn't be the smooth transition I was hoping for."

"Isn't there another way?" she asked.

"If there is, I don't know what it is yet."

"You have to figure out what he wants. What would make him happy."

"Keeping his company. Not an option."

"You're smart, Barrett. Come up with another way."

She stifled a yawn, but stood, hoping to keep their conversation flowing as she changed into pajamas and arranged herself—wrapped up in a blanket, like bundling—beside him in bed. She unzipped her suitcase to look for her pajamas, only then remembering that all she brought was her only super sexy silk nightgown. She was trying to maintain this conversational vibe between them, and she knew that sexy pajamas would be distracting to Barrett.

"Shoot," she said. "I forgot my pajamas."

She glanced over at Barrett, realizing her mistake a second too late. His eyes widened, then darkened, as he stared at her. "No complaints here."

Breaking Up With Barrett, The English Brothers #1Where stories live. Discover now