Chapter 14

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I stared at him, speechless. The room was quiet except for the soft snores could be heard by the other Beatles sleeping. Ringo looked at me waiting patiently for my response, although his expression told otherwise. Nervousness. He played with his hands uneasily.

"Ringo, I can't just give up everything I have developed and just leave with you to a whole other universe!" I said pacing around the room, thinking for all the possibilities.

"You won't be alone, you know? You're going to live with me." He replied. I sat on the bed next to him covering my eyes, letting out a big sigh.

"Look, Ringo it's been a long night, I need to rest, alright?" Ringo looked down in disappointment.

"Okay, I know we're both tired. I'll let you think about it like I will too." His soft lips kissed my head gently.

"Night, darling."


I had a difficult time sleeping last night. I couldn't stop thinking about Ringo in this case, our situation. I thought hard about it. What's going to happen if I leave with Ringo to Liverpool? Of course it would be awesome to live in the 60's where everything seemed classy and culture was evolving. More to the thought, I'd live with Ringo! It would be a magnificent experience. However, that would take the risk of me giving up all my present to go in the past. I will not meet my parents, nor my friends, nor anyone, I will just be a somebody.

"Strike three. You're out, Gina." Samantha, the pitcher called. I looked up at her breaking from my thoughts. I looked around disoriented then coach Smith blew his whistle.

"Alright, Gina take the bench. Caroline, you're up." I gazed at the ground and sat on the bench followed by a sigh, everyone had their eyes on me but I did not bother to look up. I knew I was playing horrible today, not even trying my best.

"You alright, Felix? You seem down today." Olivia asked patting me on the shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just a little stressed, but I'm good." I took a sip of gatorade. She glanced at me suspiciously for a moment.

"This is not about Jason all over again, is it?"

"Oh, God no! he's way far gone. No, nothing like that." I gasped letting out a short laugh.

"Okay, good. You scared me a little there. " She said, "Come on, cheer up. You'll be back up to the game, you got this." Before she stood up from the bench, she asked

"By the way, how are you British friends doing? Are they still here in Chicago?"

"Oh yeah they're still here." I smiled.

"That's good. I had a great time seeing you all that day. It was fun. Sorry, I didn't get say goodbye that night, it was crowded and Austin wanted me for something and by the time I came back you were gone." I stared at her remembering that night and she was lucky she didn't see me in my drunken condition I was in. She would think I'm not that innocent anymore.

"It's cool, I understand."

"Oh, and that Richard man, did have eyes on you. I noticed how he looked at you his eyes full of love towards you.. He's really cute." Olivia smiled brightly while her eyebrows wiggled. "Are you two dating, yet?"

"Uh... Well it's kind of complicated but somewhat yes.." I said nervously. She immediately spat her drink to the ground.

"What?! You two are dating? Since when? How? When did he asked you out? Why didn't you tell me?!" She exploded with questions looking at me eagerly. Before I could respond we heard the coach hollered.

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