Graduation Preperation

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I groaned as I saw the already crowded school. There was a huge field to my left, which they were using as the 'party' area. It was about half of a football field and filled with chattering students, 'Class of 2013' decorations, and plenty of tables and seats.

Finding my group of friends, I quickly made my way to them. A smile tugged at the corners of my mouth when I realized that high school wasn't actually all bad. At least I had an amazing group of friends to help me.

First, there was Brandy. She was the perfect cheerleader, with her perfectly tanned and toned body and glowing blonde curls cascading down her back. Who would have known that a group of normals would be friends with a popular, but she was actually really cool.

Next, there was Gracie. With her straight black hair, olive skin, and big brown eyes, her Cherokee definitely shown through. She was some-what of a nerd, with her soft-spoken attitude and general geniousness. However, when you got her alone she could be a ball of crazy.

The last girl is Emily. Her flaming red hair and pale complexion are what drive the guys at our school insane, too bad she isn't interested. She's one of those people that will say what ever is on their mind, not caring what other people think about the opinion.

There are two guys that complete our group- Wesley and Brandon. Wesley is on the football team, starting full-back to be exact. Secretly, I've always had a crush on his short blonde waves and bright green eyes, but I've always kept it to myself because I know that it will never happen. Brandon, however, is like a male replica of Gracie. But, then again, that might be because they're twins.

"Hey guys,"I greeted them, a small smile gracing my features.

"Hey, girly!"Brandy skipped towards me and engulfed me in an enthusiastic hug. the cheerleader in her taking over.

"Hey Bran,"I hugged her back tightly.

"I can't believe that we are finally done. This is the last time we will ever be gathered here together. Oh God, stop me before I get emotional,"she pulled away and let out a breathy laugh, wiping underneath her eyes.

Even though the rest of us are desperate to get out of this hell hole, Brandy has probably had the time of her life. Even right now, she was wearing her little cheer leading outfit, the short skirt showing a bit too much of her perfectly tan and toned legs. I only had a moment to be jealous before Gracie and Emily had gathered me into another hug. In all honesty, I wasn't really understanding the hugging. Our mini hug fest was cut short when there was a loud screeching from the few speakers set up around the field.

"Hello class of 2013!"I heard a male voice shout into the microphone. I whirled around to find our principal, Mr. Henderson, giving a broad, molesterish smile to the bundles of seniors scattered around. Nevertheless, his proclamation was followed by whoops and hollers.

"I'm happy to see all of you together one last time and participating in a Carlson High School tradition! Now, we are going to start off the day doing a group game. Go on and find a partner and then I will explain the first competition!"

I spun around in search of a partner, but was stopped when a strong, but gentle hand grasped my elbow. My gaze wandered up until I was looking into the piercing green eyes that could belong to no one other than Wesley Powell.

"Hey Bailey. Want to be my partner?"he smiled down at me, at that point having already let go of my elbow, much to my disappointment.

I took my time to glance around, noticing that Emily and Brandy had already paired together and the twins were standing next to each other talking animatedly.

I looked back to Wesley,"Sure Powell. But I'm gonna go ahead and warn you. I am very competitive so you better not make us lose."

He smirked at me,"I wouldn't expect anything less, Smith"

Superstitious (NaNoWriMo 2014...&2015)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ