I squint towards Barbara. "Are you fucking crazy?!" I glance at Jerome, who's oddly, and calmly talking to Robert, his cannibal friend.
He seemed stressed and obnoxiously tired, suddenly I felt more pitiful than scared.

"Oh come on Alice." Barbara groans, "give him a chance will ya? Maybe go up to hi-"

"God dammit Barbara he killed a man. What do I do? Go up and congratulate him?!" I throw my hands in the air, "this is so fucking unbelievable!"

"No, just like- look, Jerome's not happy about this either trust me."

"And why should I be the one to go up there and talk to him?" My voice escalates, making Barbara get uneasy.

"All I'm saying is that this is a good time to show forgiveness on your whole- whole ditching scene the last time you talked to him."

"What if I'm not sorry?!"

"Even the craziest people have feelings Alice-"

"Oh shut the hell u-" and then Barbara just gives me an daring glare and leaves. Making me think about this decision even though I already made my choice to not approach the murderer.
Fuck it.
Wait, yes.
Just this one time
No grudge anymore
I don't know

Honestly, why would Jerome feel bad about killing someone even though he didn't get caught? He framed it on a rapist anyways.

I sigh and stand up, fixing my dress as I make my way to Jerome's table. His back was facing away from me; making me feel nervous once again. What if he won't turn around and he'll ignore me? To be honest why do I even care?

"Jerome." I say quietly, trying my best not to stutter, hopefully he doesn't mind someone stuttering because he's about to get a shit load of broken CDs.
He didn't seem to hear me so I speak up. "J-Jerome."

Robert looks up at me and smiles, he then taps Jerome's elbow and points towards me, making Jerome shift his body to face me. God he looks pained. His eyes were surrounded by black circles and his skin was much more pale than I remembered. His red hair was literally a hot mess considering his fiery tone to his hair and fingers. On top of all, he looked rushed, annoyed and hurt as he looked at me. Making my heart shatter into billions of pieces.

"Um," I can't manage to speak, I was too dazed by his appearance that I forgot why I was even here. "Uh- I was just here to-" my voice begins to sound scratchy, as if I was about to cry but I really wasn't going to. "Apologize for leaving you alone that one time." I finally croak, refusing to give him eye contact as I stand above him awkwardly.

"Let me guess." His voice too, was scratchy as hell, which kinda sounded cute but that's not the point- "you're saying this because you don't want me to kill you next." Jerome blurts with annoyance.

My heart sinks. It's kind of true. But I don't think that's all of it.
Dammit Barbara- I'm so done with everyone Jesus Christ.

"No- n-no that's not why." I defend myself, which seems to make Jerome unimpressed. "I-I just felt bad for, for leaving you like that. -" I look at him and he looks at me, making me feel more uncomfortable. "I'll just go." I say, hoping that he'll actually will let me go.

"I didn't ask you to leave." He sighs tiredly and turns his back at me, making me realize Robert has left us to sit with another sicko away from us.

I sit next to Jerome at a reasonable distance. "Again, I'm sorry for bei-"

"Stop apologizing if you didn't do anything wrong dammit."

"Okay. Sor-" I cut myself off and shift in my seat, realizing he's not in a good mood at all. I clear my throat. "are you okay?" I ask, instantly regretting to do so. Jerome looks at me blankly, making me feel even more uneasy. Probably die to the face he feels and seems almost same.

"I killed a man again." He smirks to himself and he stares at his hands which were fiddling with the tables' scratches. "This time it felt right."

"Oh?" I don't know why, but I actually felt interested to what Jerome was saying.

"He deserved it, karmas' a bitch."


"Richard of course."


#poot for president 2k16


-and I'm super duper sorry for not updating my internet is being a bitch and wattpad keeps crashing on me :( but hey I think it's all good now so yay :D anyways I'll try to update more often when I have the time to do so,
Thanks for reading ily all <3!

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