Issue #20: Vision...a Supernatural TLN Series

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My body shuddered, another migraine, but this was so much worse. It felt as if someone had violently been kicking my head repeatedly. My back tightened in another violent shudder. They had never been this bad before. I held back a cry of pain as another spark erupted into my brain, I wished I were blind, the lights hurt so bad. I heard Dean walking around against the soft carpet, yet his feet scuffing against the carpet made me want to kill him. I was nauseous, and whiter from paleness.

My night had consisted of no sleep, watching “That 70’s Show” and praying that’d I’d live. Now I would regret that.

“Is there anything we can do?” Sam was sitting adjacent to me. Someone was sleeping on the floor tonight, but I’d be damned if it was me.

“Put a bullet in me,” I forced out grimly, Sam knew I wasn’t being serious, “Granted, I’d be dead, but it’d be a lot quicker than this.” I was on the verge of crying it hurt so much.

“Aren’t we being a drama queen,” Dean said, though the look on his face spelled worry.

“Shut up and go get some aspirin,” I said weakly. “The fastest working kind you can get.” 

Within a couple of minutes he was gone, leaving me with Sam.

“Does this always happen?” He asked after his brother closed and locked the door.

“It happens a lot,” I admitted, even since I was little I had migraines, “But it’s never been this bad before. Normally I’d get one of these and fall asleep and feel better,” I continued, my stomach getting more feeble. “But this one I can’t even sleep with.”

The migraine didn’t truly peak until an hour ago. Then I’d get too hot, or too cold. Right now I was in a cold sweat, the covers wrapped around me tightly.

Sam was trying to make me feel better, “You know, you’ve gone over a day without pain meds. I’m in a bit of pain too, but I don’t know how you did it.”

“The migraines are what kill me; they always have their way of kicking my ass,” Chills ran down my spine, “Lucky me I guess, I always have a knack for crap like this. Whatever “blessing” Balthazar gave me certainly didn’t take, that’s for damn sure.”

Sam thought about it and responded, “Do you think that the daemon was what he gave you?”

I shook my head, “Me having a daemon was like having a double chance of dying. At least now we are one so I have one less problem to worry about.” I still couldn’t believe that it was inside me, but I liked the idea of that better than one of us getting killed and ending up killing the other.

“Do you feel any different since it became a part of you?” He quietly asked.

I shook my head, wishing I hadn’t because another pulse of pain hit me like a tidal wave.

“No, I feel worse. But that’s because of this freakin’ headache. Its pounding on me like a maniac and I can control it.”

Another burst of pain, my head felt like it was on fire. My hand went to my temples, I was about to retch all over this ugly hotel floor. Or Sam, if he got in the way.


Then there was white blankness, as if all around me was paper. As I opened my eyes and attempted to focus. The pain was gone, momentarily. Suddenly there was a stretch of glittering sand and clear water as it splashed along the shore. There were no houses, no rocks, no birds, nothing; not even a breeze. Only the paw prints on the ever glittering beach sand.

I gasped, the pain returned. Sam was shaking me; I was back in the hotel room. I opened my eyes, rolled off the bed and sprinted to the bathroom. There I retched in the toilet, on my knees against the tiled floors.

Sam stood in the doorway. “I’ve only had a headache like that a dozen times,” He let that sink in for a moment, “What’d you see?”

“Paw prints and a beach,” I gagged, “I can’t make sense of it,” My stomach flipped and I heaved. Sam looked away as I tossed my cookies.

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