The past

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Austin's POV

'Two years back"

Chemistry class. Ugh! I hated chemistry! Why? Because it was one of those class that I had with grace.

And today to add fuel to the fire. Mrs.bullbeak was gonna come for an inspection. I hate mrs.bullbeak too. Three reasons.

1) lets start with the basics, her name! Bullbeak? What type of name was that?

2) her personality. She just threw anyone who came to face her. She hated everyone.From the teachers to the students! How did she ever become a principal?

3) her looks. You see, I'm no one to judge her by her looks. But when you see her you have nightmares. I remember the first time I saw her I had a dream of her pulling all my hair out for straight five days!

We took our seats as soon as she came in and everyone was quiet as if they were..... I don't know! Nobody is this quiet in this class!

Ms.torry gave us the experiment and we were all soon busy doing it. She came to each and every seat to inspect how they did their experiment. I finished mine pretty quickly because I knew wouldn't be able to it with that face. I saw grace fumbling with the experiment. I bet she was trying to impress mrs.bullbeak. But she definitely didn't look impressed.

It all happened very quickly then. Grace fumbled with her experiment and the test tube slipped from her hand to mrs.bullbeak's head. Her face was splashed with acid.

She screamed and winced in pain. Ms.torry quickly called the ambulance and I went to call the other teachers.

She was taken to the hospital where the doctor told, that the acid was too strong and she would not survive.

Everything was pretty quiet after that incident. Nobody brought that up for days. All the principals refuses to work in the school because they believed it was cursed. We didn't even have a real principal for an year.

"Time skip"

This was when it all started. I have been lurking in the corridors for days to find out the secret. Nobody believed my theory of mrs.bullbeak revenge strategy.

I had been searching for days but I was getting no closer to solving this. The attacks on Mrs.Murphy started to become more often.

It was when she came. By she I mean Celeste. She figured it out in two days. A thing which I was not able to solve for an year.

I talked to her and everything made sense. All the pieces of puzzle started to come together.

I just didn't tell her about the incident because thought she would not be willing to hear it and would not believe it. I was sure my theory was stupid. And on her sense full theory mine seemed even more dopey.

And now she has got herself banned from the dance just for saving mrs.murphy. But the bigger problem is that his spirit had decided to kill her today and probably right now and....

Celeste has gone.

Sorry everyone, this was a really really short chapter! I'll try to make the next one longer! And we are so close to the end of this story! So excited. Probably two more chapters to go! Bye!

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