Chapter 1

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~Joey's POV~

I sit on the couch with Wolf at my toes, waiting for Shane to come over to film "The Photo Booth Challenge" I've seen people do it, and to be honest I'm really excited. Anyway, recording these Shoey videos with Shane make me realize how much I miss having someone to snuggle with, cry with, even sleep with. But I can't be 'me' in public. I don't know when the time will come to tell my family and fans, but hopefully soon I can be myself.

I hear a knock on the door. "Honey I'm home!" Shane yells jokingly and I giggle. "Hey Shane! I got my Mac ready!" I say as I point to the Mac. We sit down in the chairs and I hit record.


I say goodbye to Shane as I shut the door behind him. Dang. I really miss having an extra someone around. I go on Twitter to tweet my new video,and out of nowhere, I have a lot of replies saying they ship me with Daniel Christopher Preda. Who the heck is he? I go on Google him and dang, he's a CUUUUUUTIE! I can totally see us being together! I click on his Twitter profile and I begin to scroll through his inspiring tweets. Dang. I want him.

After 10 hours of sleep still can't get his handsome face out of my mind. I take Wolf out for a quick walk, I feed him, then I make my daily green smoothie. Yum. The phone rings.

Joey: Hello?

...: Hi! We want to cast you in a movie. A horror film actually!


Joey: I'd love too!

...: Yay! We'll email you the details!

Joey: Thanks!

I hang up. I'M GOING TO BE IN A MOOOOVVVIIIEEE!!!!! I run around the house with wolf following and barking.

I check my email. I scroll through the details. It takes place at a cave in England. England! Holy crap!! I scroll through my co-workers. I don't really know any of them. Wait. One name stands out. HOLY CRAP! I'M CASTED AS THE MAIN ROLE WITH DANIEL CHRISTOPHER PREDA!?!?

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