Chapter 2: An Unexpected Meeting

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Two days have passed and the night of the accident flashed inside of your mind making you flinch in your unconscious state. Your breathing became heavier and unsteady making the heart monitor go BEEP! BEEP! Your heart rate becomes dangerously out of control causing the doctors and nurses around you to come rushing to your aid. In a couple of seconds they managed to get your heart rate back under control. You laid in a hospital bed unconscious, while Hiyori was at home crying her eyes out blaming herself for you being hit by the car. "If I just came home at the right time she wouldn't of been in that bed!" she cried putting her hands over her eyes "Hiyori it wasn't your fault! Your father said that she doesn't have any injuries, only a few cuts and bruises!" said Hiyori's mother in a soft and calming tone "(Y/n) is a strong woman." Hiyori soon stopped crying and hugged her mother tightly.

The sun had set and it was time for the monsters of the night to come out but they have a name, they're called Phantoms. They're corrupted spirits who use to be alive which were once happy people but then if they get taken over by a Phantom, they were forced to kill themselves or if someone is depressed they taken advantage of that. You flinched in bed constantly, moving to the left and to the right until suddenly your eyes shoot open with sweat dropping down your face. You turn your head to the window to see it was open and it was night. You sat up in your and quickly realised you were in hospital. You sighed and looked at your refection in the window, you saw you had a bandage around your head and a plaster on your right cheek.

All of a sudden it felt like time had slowed down. A huge neon green frog with death like eyes started to climb the outside of the hospital. You instantly froze up, "What the..." you muttered. Suddenly you felt like you had lost something, you looked around quickly to see your body on the floor unconscious. You start to freak out about how you was still sitting up in your bed but your body was on the floor. You got out of your bed and started to poke at you body. 'What's going on?' you thought to yourself. You turned around, knocking over presents you had been by your friends. You pick them up swiftly, to feel a weight on your back. You look at your back to see blue wings on your (the wings in the picture) back, you start to run around the room franticly.


You stopped running to see the huge neon green frog with death like eyes was staring at you. Sweat rolled down your face as you felt your blue wings spread apart, you took a deep breath and ran towards the open window. You felt all of your fear disappear and without any hesitation you leaped out of the window and kicked the neon frog sending it flying to the ground but you didn't fall to the ground, your wings were keeping you in the air. Your wings were really strong and powerful. "SEKKI!" shouted someone, a bright light whizzed passed you. You kept your eyes on the bright light suddenly a man jumped up and the bright light turned into a long sword called Katana. As you watched the man he began to fight the neon green frog, it felt like you had seen him before then it hit you. He was that man you had seen after school with that blonde haired teenager.

He started to chant something but you couldn't make out what he was saying and in a blink of a eye the neon green frog was gone. "YATO!!!!" bellowed someone, your head shot to the direction where the voice came from. It was a girl running towards the man. "Hiyori?" you mumbled to yourself. You began lowering yourself then your eyes widen with shock to see Hiyori with a pinky purple tail. Now you knew you wasn't going crazy. You got the feeling things were about to get worse and you were right. A black hole formed in the middle of the road in front of the hospital and a massive Phantom came out of it. It looked like it was going after Hiyori for some reason.

Your wings kicked in and you swooped down and grabbed Hiyori while holding her in the bridle position. "Hey Hiyori!" you giggled nervously. You could see in her eyes she was confused and shocked at the same time. "HOW HAVE YOU GOT WINGS (Y/N)?!" Hiyori shouts. You shook your head slightly, giving Hiyori the signal that you didn't know how. "Anyway what is that thing?" you asked going a little higher out of the reach of the Phantom. "That's a Phantom and down there is Yato and his regalia, Yukine!" replied Hiyori clinging onto you for dear life making it harder for you to fly. "Hiyori! I can't- breathe!" you said dropping down a little. She quickly loosened her grip around you and soon the screams of the Phantom filled the air and in a couple of seconds it was gone, so was the black hole. You stopped flying and was now floating still with Hiyori in your arms.

You felt like it was safe enough, so you decided to return Hiyori to the ground. You floated down to be greeted by the dark blue haired man with a the blonde haired teenager. "Thanks for saving me (Y/n)!" cheered Hiyori hugging you with all of her might "No problem!" you smiled. The two boys stared at your back awkwardly "Don't you know its rude to stare!" you scolded, immediately they both bowed and apologised. "Hi I'm Yato!" he greeted "I'm a God!" his eyes started to sparkle as he went into his day dream. "Hey I'm Yukine and I'm Yato's regalia!" introduced Yukine "Also its best you don't get to know us because Yato will take advantage of you." You froze in your spot and you started to back away "Wait! Its not like that!" yelled Yato "I'm a-"
"Pervert?" interrupted Yukine. They both started to argue like little kids arguing over candy. You and Hiyori stood there with blank expressions on your faces and both of you were getting annoyed at their arguing "STOP IT BOTH OF YOU!" you and Hiyori said in demon like voices. They both quickly stopped and bowed several times.

"Okay now you two have stopped arguing! Mind telling me why I have wings?" you asked turning and pointing at your wings. "Well I guess your soul slipped out just like Hiyori's does every now and then!" explained Yato "It must of been from your accident. Hiyori told us everything, she said you saved her life!" putting his hands is hips like he was commanding you to say something "Yes I did! But how do I get back into my normal body?"

"Just fly up to your hospital room and you should be able to link up with your body again but your soul may slip out again!" spoke Yato as you jumped up and began to fly back to your room. You landed in your hospital room to see your body still on the floor, you sighed and looked back to see Yato leaning against the window frame with a katana in his right hand. "Don't worry this is Yukine in his weapon form!" Yato told you as you linked back up with your body and your blue wings disappeared. You lifted yourself off the floor and sat on your bed with your legs dangling over the edge. "You go to sleep and I will watch over you until I feel like you're safe. Also Hiyori has gone to find her body then she's going home!" smirked Yato. "That's not creepy at all!" you blurted out "Watching someone while they're asleep!"

"I promised Hiyori to watch you for tonight!" he sighed. You lifting your legs under the covers and fell asleep straight away going into a deep slumber. But you had questions for Yato needing to be answered for you!

The Beginning Of The End (Yato x Reader! Fem)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora