Chapter 5

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"Riveara hurry up" Dad growled at me, fangs out.

"Im going as fast as I can...You know its better to clean it first..." I said as I swiftly cleaned him up.

Kendrick held his left shoulder lightly, keeping him from jumping out of the seat. I threw the bloody scraps onto the floor, and reached out to his open chest. I took a deep breath, and concentrated the magic to my hand. I felt my body warm, from my chest, to my shoulder, down my arm and finally into my hand. I took one more deep breath, then focused on his chest. I felt the magic dance and spark around my wrist and hand, sending in waves onto his chest.

Kendrick and Brayden gasped. Slowly I caught dads heart rate slowing to a normal pace, and his breathing becoming deeper and calmer. Once the wound healed completely, I sat back on my heels, closed my hand to a fist, and closed my eyes. I could hear the three men talking, but my mind was too preoccupied to catch the words. I whispered a prayer to Amelia, thanking her for everything she had done tonight. She had some special hand in this, I could feel it.

"Vera..." Brayden said softly beside me. I opened my eyes to see him crouched on the ground next to me. I smiled at him, and took a look at my dad. His chest looked great, no scar was noticeable. It was like it never happened.

"Darling, you need to get some rest now" Dad said softly, getting up from the chair. He reached down to take my hand, and pick me up.

"I'm fine" I said putting a hand up, trying to politely decline the offer. I then pulled the stilettos off my feet, and threw them onto the table. I slowly stood up, testing my balance. "You, on the other hand, need to go sleep that off. You know the effect magic has on the one receiving it. Kendrick would you mind escorting him to his room, and make sure that his maid has specific orders from me to not let him out of bed for any reason."

"Course" Kendrick said and put his hand on dads shoulder. He started to pull him towards the door. "I'll make sure his specific guardian is outside the door the whole time. No need to worry Riveara."

"Brayden, you keep her safe. If anything happens to her, Im holding you personally responsible. The magic effects her too..." Dad said with such an intensity in his voice that the prisoner flinched. After Brayden nodded, Kendrick pulled him from the room.

Once they were down the hall, out of ear shot, I nearly collapsed. The only thing that kept me from the floor was Brayden. His arms were around me so fast the motion blurred. I felt so light headed and dizzy that the room literally started spinning. I blinked the blurring room clear again. Brayden softly moved the hair from my face that had fallen out after everything tonight. He softly picked me up bridal style, and carried me over to the thrown.

"I guess we have a lot to talk about then" He said softly as he placed me carefully into the chair. I nodded. "Stay here" He whispered.

I watched him move across the room to a small box on the ground. The box held bags of fresh blood, saved for the after party where only the most high were allowed in. The shifters and vampires both attended these after parties. He quickly sliced the box open with a dagger he kept in his left boot. He pulled out a bag, and dumped it into a glass.

"Brayden I don't-" I started, but he cut me off by putting his hand up.

"Just this once you need to drink this" He said softly. I shook my head. I hate the thought of drinking that.

"I cant...You know that" I said and looked away. He was at the throne ten seconds later, kneeling beside me.

"Vera...This is different. You know this is willing blood. You need it." He whispered. I shook my head.

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