Chapter One: The Sorting

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My eyes snap open, and the tail of my silver whip hits something soft to the floor. "Is that any way to greet your teacher?" A voice asks. My eyes look up coldly at the man the killed my brother. "Get out of my sight. If you so much as look at me wrong and I'll kill you. Just like you killed him," I say angrily. His eyes fill with tears, as he looks at my eyes. "I-" but I cut him off by shoving him out of my compartment. I pull down the shade and pull out my books from the Institute. My mother sent me a book about demons, and inside a piece of paper. The paper shows how to draw very rune in the Grey Book. I pull it out, and grab my stele from my belt. My brother Jace also wrote a rune down. The rune to heal a broken heart. I burn the temporary rune into the soft skin of my forearm, and the door slides open. "What the bloody hell are you doing?" A voice laced with confusion asks. My head snaps up and my eyes widen. " Are you blind? I'm drawing on myself," I say, playing it cool. I continue to burn. I look up to see the boy flipping through Clarissa's copy of 'The Shadowhunters' Codex.' "What the hell?!" I ask, pulling it away from him. "So you're a Shadowhunter? I've heard myths about your kind. You look down upon any being that isn't one of you. The names Scorpius Malfoy," he says. I laugh. "Is that supposed to mean something to me? I'm a Lightwood. Our family is one of the oldest families. Now get out. Its hard enough to do this without you distracting me," I say. He grabs the stele from my hand and looks at the rune. He presses it to my skin and when he's done, he hands me my stele. The train slows, and pulls to a halt. I quickly put all my demon killing tools in my black messenger bag. My whip curls around my wrist, disguised as bracelets. I check to make sure my Shadowhunter book are in it, along with my stele. Scorpius pulls me into the corridor, and then off the train. "Let me go Malfoy," I hiss. He ignores me, and leads me to the boats. The ride to the school is boring. The school looks nice, but it's nothing compared to Alicante.... The city where Alec- No. That would make me weak. I'm here to be strong for the people who can't. All the eleven year olds are lead up the stairs, into the Great Hall. A bunch of names are called, then one rings through the Hall with a sharp tone. "Elliott Lightwood." I look up at him and glare. I sit on the stool, and wait. Well then. You, my dear, are difficult. I've never had a Shadowhunter. And your past. Poor Alexander. The hat whispers in my head. Tears rush to my eyes thinking about that day. But you're cunning, and very ambitious. I know where you belong. Even if you're not a Pureblood. "SLYTHERIN!" the hats yells to the hall. Instead of walking to my table, I run out of the Hall. I run to the one place nobody would go. The Forbidden Forest. I pull out my witchlight rune-stone and walk into the forest silently. I don't remember how I got back to my dorm, all I remember is falling asleep.

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