Chapter 2

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Kayla's POV

"Priiiiiiincess it's time to get up." I groan in response. "Awh come on baby cakes I made chocolate chip waffles." I jumped up and onto Mommy, looking up into her dark brown eyes. "Then let's go silly butt!" I squeal, tummy growling with excitement. She laughs and carries me downstairs, holding me up by my butt and squeezing it before putting me down on the couch. She walked back to the kitchen and brought out a plate of chocolate chip waffles, cut up into bite sized pieces and topped with whipped cream. "Here baby, eat your waffles and I'll go make you some chocolate milk." I dig into my waffles using my princess baby fork, and turn the tv on to watch Octonauts. The theme song comes on and I dance along, as mommy sets my sippy cup of chocolate milk in front of me. "Your favorite show is on huh baby?" She said smiling and planting a kiss on my forehead. I nodded and giggled, causing waffle to fall out of my mouth and onto my lap. "Baaaaaaaaby you have to keep your food in your mouth, you don't want Mommy to punish you do you?" I shake my head quickly and swallow the last bites of breakfast, being sure to pick up the lost piece on my lap. I get up quickly and put my plate in the sink, rinsing it off and putting it in the dishwasher. I skip my way back into the living room, where Mommy offers me a spot on the couch next to her so that she can hold me while we watch tv. "So baby..?" She says slowly. "Yes Mommy?" I say, turning myself around so I can face her. "Since I convinced your mom to let you spend the weekend here.. You still have to go to school tomorrow. I know you don't want to and I know it's hard but I know you can do it baby. I'll get to take you to your morning class and then you have to go back to your house to do your online work." She paused and took a deep breath, anticipating my actions. I burst into tears. "Mommy you promised I wouldn't have to go you promised I wouldn't have to leave this isn't fair you promised! You told me I'd be safe! You told me nothing bad would happen and you can't even help me! You make me go to school so I can cry and then you push me away because I'm too annoying and needy!" I exclaimed shakily, pushing myself off the couch and towards my room.

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