Your Siblings/Family Members

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You are between the ages of 15 and 18 for the preferences

Lydia: You are Stiles younger sister (by two minutes). So you heard about her every day since the third grade

Allison: You are Braeden's sister. You were raised by her when you guys parents died.

Cora: You are Allison's cousin. Yep... that means your Kate's daughter. Don't worry, your not a psychopath. You lived with Allison once Kate died.

Erica: You are Derek's sister. When you found out Derek was an alpha, you had to see for yourself. He asked you to stay in Beacon Hills and being the kind person you are, you were put in BHHS and met Erica.

Malia: You are Dr. Deaton's daughter. He found you outside of the clinic as a new born and decided to keep you.

Kira: You are Ethan's and Aiden's sister. The look on her face was priceless when you told her.

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