One Direction's Protector

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Chapter 1:

Summer vacation was over in a flash,and I had somehow managed to lose a lot of weight.

I had always been chubby. I've seen pictures of when I was a little girl ,and in almost all of them I had a little bit of more fat than I needed. I mean when I was like 3 I was a good size, but in the pictures of when I was in first grade, I had a more noticeable belly.

As I became more older I became more interested in my appearances ,and in 6th grade I wanted to lose weight. I also had gotten pimples all over my forehead,but I didn't think much of that. It was hard to lose weight, and I didn't lose a lot over that summer. Then 7th grade came , and I couldn't help but be jealous at all the girls who were pretty and flawless. Then I wanted to get rid of my acne. That didn't happen that summer , though. 8th grade came and I wasn't different in appearance at all. I had decided to try and lose weight over the summer and use my Proactive . I wanted to change so I could stop feeling so insecure about myself, and become healthier. Why I had said I had somehow managed to lose weight was ,because I haven't ever succeeded at doing it (as much as I wanted to).

I had lost plenty of weight over the summer of 2013, and I have never felt so confident and fit. I had also lost my acne! I looked at myself in the mirror of my bedroom and smiled. Today was my first day of high school ,and I wanted to look good ( even though we have dress code). I was wearing a solid neon green Aeropostale polo and some solid blue skinny jeans with a solid light blue The North Face jacket. I put some neon green socks on followed by my neon green TOMS. Then I sprayed Justin Bieber's Someday perfume all over my body. Hey, I like to smell good.

I walked out of my room with my backpack over my shoulder. I put my short, curled dark brown hair to one side of my head so that it could come out from beneath the straps of my backpack. My hair isn't that short ,but it's not long either. I went to the kitchen and smelled the aroma of pancakes and eggs. YUMMY! My mouth started watering as I was in the process of putting my backpack on the back of the chair and sitting down. My mom turned away from the stove and looked at me with those beautiful hazel eyes of hers.

"Hi honey! Good morning! How do you feel about your first day of school?" ,She excitedly asks me while smiling and putting a plate of 2 blueberry pancakes with a serving of scrambled eggs on the table in front of me.

I looked at the food and drizzled syrup on my 2 blueberry pancakes while responding to my curly, light brown headed mom.

" Hi mom. Good morning to you, too. And ,I feel like I could die of nervousness right now!",I replied while getting up and getting a glass out of the brown cabinets then walking over to the white refrigerator , opening it up, and getting out a jug of milk. Then I poured myself a glass ,and put the jug back in the fridge, and sat back down again putting the cup beside my plate. I begin to eat the yummy food while my mom gets her own plate of 2 blueberry pancakes but with no eggs and sits down across from me putting a glass of orange juice and her plate on the table in front of her.

"Oh, Eli you are going to be fine honey! There isn't anything to be afraid of! ",My mom points out while still smiling and putting syrup on her 2 pancakes.

We both started eating as I looked at her and begin to reply.

" Whatever you say, momma bear! Speaking of bears, where are you're other cubs?" , I questioned while cutting a piece of pancake off with my butter knife and putting it into my mouth. I savored the yummy food and sighed with delight.

My mom smiled and popped a piece of pancake into her mouth.

" Haha ,I see you like the pancakes. Bailey got an early ride to school from Chloe and, Dylan is in his bedroom sleeping. He is sick. He has a cold , so no school for him till he gets better." , she sighed, a worried look on her face. She took a big gulp of her orange juice and began eating again.

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