Chapter 2

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Was I really going to go out with a man that I didn't even have a clue on who he was? I tried looking up Styles on the internet for a chance that he would pop up. It was a waste of time because he didn't even show up.  Any reasonable person would call the police or not go out with him. However the mystery of him intrigued me.

I wasn't a stupid girl and I wasn't going to go out without something to protect myself. I opened my closet on the top shelve their was a secret shelve which I kept my guns and knives. I grabbed my ankle strap which I put my knife in. Next, I put my clipped on gun holster to my waist  and placed one gun on either side. My beige colored coat covered it so you weren't able to see it. I was taking a risk on going tonight so I rather be ready for anything. 

Seven o'clock sharp the door had rang. I gave myself one last look in the mirror before walking down stairs to open the door. I swung the door already knowing it was him. But it took me to surprise when I still saw him. He looked effortlessly amazing. Only wearing a red flannel and black skinny jeans with boots. 

"Hello Ava" He was the first one to say something. He reached out his to grab my hand and lead me to a black car right in front. I locked the door quickly then taking his hand. He was a gentle man opening the door and helping me in the car. We sat in the back because their was a driver and a man in black siting in the passenger seat. 

I intensely tensed when Harry got in and his shirt lifted revealing a gun. Instantly pulling his shirt down as he looked me to see if I saw but I turned my head quick enough to see as if I had been looking out at the street the whole time. 

"Where are we going?" I finally said something. It had been complete silence for ten minutes as we headed to where ever we were going. "It's a surprise, love" He said as he gave me a smile. I nodded and kept quiet the rest of the way. He tried to make conversation but that was the last thing I wanted to do right now. My imagination got the best of me and started to picture all these things about him or even we were going. I opened my bag and looked for my phone. I had to tell someone where I was because what if I wasn't coming home. I had left my phone on my bed, great.

We pulled up to a restaurant and instantly we got a table. No name or anything they just seated us cutting everyone that was already waiting for a seat. "You look absolutely beautiful tonight" He says as he pulls my chair out for me. Just as I was about to sit down he wraps his arm around my waist feeling my guns. We both immediately both look up at each other.I immediately feel the color in my face drain. No emotion on his face. He pulls out both the guns and hands them to the man that was in all black in the car. I try to take them from the man and but he steps in front of me blocking me from the man. 

"Sit down and don't make a scene" He sternly says. I am not scared of my many things and more importantly anyone. But the way he spoke made my blood run cold. I don't know what he is capable so I listen and sit down. 

  "Don't be scared love I'm not going to hurt you" 

"I'm not scared of you and don't come me love"

" How brave of you? My apologizes Ms. Malik, I did not mean to speak to you like that I just don't particularly like to make scenes. Why did you bring a gun, I wasn't going to hurt you"

"Protection remember I don't know you. I can't imagine what you are capable of because you have some how found out more about me then I even know about you" That was the complete truth I don't know him and I needed  a way to protect myself. My guns were my first instinct and most reliable thing. My aunt had put us in self defense classes and boxing classes but also showed us how to shoot a variety of guns. It was something that she felt needed to happen because if she wasn't there we would be able to defend for ourselves and our parents would have most likely done the same. I was scared but I knew I could protect myself on whatever he had planned but I don't know for how long. 

"That is correct, Would you like them back? If it makes you more comfortable in my presence you can have them back" He says and I just nod. The man hands me both my gun backs and I put them back on my holster. Straightaway I feel more comfortable having them back. I look around at my surrounding figuring out my exits but only seen one.  

 "My name is Harry Styles, I'm here to get you"

Get me? What are you talking about?" I instantly stand up ready to walk out of here or even prepared to shot him if it is necessary. 

"You're the daughter of Harper and Ethan Malik correct" He says. Hearing the name of my parents all of a sudden chokes me up but I instantly recover. I thought the worst of him now and I instantly pull out both my guns aiming it at his head. The man in black pulled out his gun aiming at me and another two men popped out of nowhere aiming at me. Everyone else dining where all dead silent watching us in horror. Harry looked as calm as ever not fazed for a second that two guns are aiming at his head. 

"Well didn't that escalate quickly, I don't know what you're doing love"

"How do you know my parents?"

"You don't remember me?" 

"No sorry I don't remember a psycho like you"

"Ouch love that hurt but I will forgive you for that one. Goodnight see you when you wake up"

Then everything went black. 

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