Είκοσι πέντε(Twenty Five)

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"Actually, it's more like a 900-page book."

"So, what's your story? Have you always wanted to be a security guard? Oh, I didn't mean to..."

" No, no, no. No, I'm divorced and I have a 10-year-old son...so I needed to find a more steady situation."

"Got it. So, what can I tell you about the museum?"

"Okay, Attila the Hun. What is that guy's problem?" Larry asked.

"Attila was considered the only genuine threat to the Roman Empire."

Larry spent the entirety of his afternoon before work doing research on different people who called the museum their home.

"'Known as the 'Scourge of God'... ...Attila and his Huns would often tear off the limbs of their helpless victims. Attila was famous for his superstitious beliefs. He surrounded himself with a phalanx of sorcerers and magicians... ...who advised and mystified him with their dark arts.'" He read aloud to himself.

When he was done and figured he had the information he had needed he closed his books, grabbed a bag of supplies he was sure he needed and went to the museum to get ready for work. He was in the locker room and was approached by Cecil, Gus, and Reginald.

"Larry? Just wanted to say good luck, son." Cecil said.

"And goodbye. We're clocking out for the last time." Reginald said.

"If you're ever in Boca, look us up."

"Wait, you guys are going out of town? What if this doesn't work out?" Larry asked uncertainly.

"Smart fellow like you? You'll be fine." Reginald said.

"Yeah. We'll just be a phone call away." Cecil told him. "Come on, walk us out."

"You fellas go ahead. I need a moment." Reginald said tearing up.

"He's very emotional. A lot of memories in this room." At that Larry, Gus, and Cecil left the room. Leaving Reginald alone. While alone Reginald copied the key to get into the museum.

After the three men had left, Larry started his plan. Out of the bag, he grabbed a remote control car, and the controller. He went over to Rexy and took the bone. He also took some string and tied one end of it to the car and the other end to Rexy's bone. He then wrapped a rubber band around the steering wheel of the controller.

"Go crazy, big guy." Larry then went to the cavemen who had previously been trying to make fire. "Hey, guys. Quest for fire... over." He held up a lighter and threw it to them. "Knock yourselves out." Next Larry went to the Easter Island head. "Morning, dum-dum."

"Me no dum-dum. You dum-dum. You bring me gum-gum?"

"Yes, I did, fathead. Lots and lots of gum-gum." Larry said holding up a big wad of gum. Next Larry went to the Mayan miniatures and he places a padded glove on his hand and with the pad, he caught all the shots fired at him and closed the glass gate around them. "What's that? I can't hear you through the glass. Sorry." He said and went to close the Roman gate.

"Heave. Heave. Heave." He saw Octavius and his men trying to break the wall.

"Hey, what's going on over here?"

"We expand or we die. Heave. Heave."

"On the count of three...you blow this anthill to kingdom come. And a one and a two..." Larry heard Jedediah yell.

"Hey, Jed. Stop that. No, no. You blow a hole in your mountain, all you're gonna hit is a wall."

"Step aside, Gigantor. We got us a railroad to build. We're blowing a hole in that thing."

Greek RunawayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora