Εικοσι ΤΕΣΣΕΡΑ(Twenty Four)

Start from the beginning

"You're Galileo? No?" Larry asked before running off to lock the lions. When he got into the Hall of African Mammals he stopped and looked at all the animals surrounding him. He tried to leave the room but a mammoth pushed him into the room and he locked the door.

"Okay... Hey, I'm the... Hi. I'm the new guy and I'm just locking up, so... If it's cool with you I'm just gonna get my paperwork... ...and be out of your hair, okay?" Larry then made a lunge for his instructions and ran through the forest-like area to the opposite door. Then he made it out and went to lock the doors but his keys were gone. He reached for his instructions and when he got them he read the third one.

3) Double-check your belt. The monkey probably stole your keys.

Larry read it twice and looked up to see the monkey holding his keys.

"Hey. Hey there. Hi. What's your name? Your name is... No, no, no. Come back. Come back. Dewey? Is that your name, Dewey? No, no, no. What's...? Dewey? Dexter? Dexter. Dexter, right?" Larry said sweetly to Dexter hoping to get his keys back. "Hey, Dexter, you wanna give me those keys? I just want to lock up. Yes. Oh, good. Come to Papa. Oh, thank you. Can I have those keys? Oh, good. What a good boy. That's okay. Oh, thank you. Oh, no, no, no. It's okay. Thank you very, very much."

Just as he said that reaching for the keys, Dexter bit Larry's nose. When Larry finally got free from Dexter's teeth, he fell back now with his keys.

Larry stood up to lock the door to the hall and felt something hitting him. He looked up at Dexter to see him peeing on him.

"Bad monkey. Stop that. That's not right. Are you done? Do you have an issue with me? Do you have an issue with me? Because if I have a problem with somebody, I don't pee on them, okay? And also... Let me tell you something. These keys?" Larry started but was cut off by Dexter taking the instructions.

"Hey. Dexter, that's not funny. Give it back. Dexter. Give... Don't. I know what you're thinking. Don't do it. Not a good idea. Not... Dexter, I need those." Larry said pleading with Dexter. He heard clapping and looked to see other monkeys somewhat encouraging Dexter. "Don't encourage him. You think you're funny for your friends, huh? You three guys... What, he's the ringleader, you're the audience? Yeah, no. Don't do it, okay? Lookit... You!" Larry yelled as Dexter ripped the instructions into many pieces.

Larry left the African Mammals and sat on a bench. He just needs a break before getting back at this insane job.

"Oh, this is not happening." He muttered to himself. "Oh, man." He said when something sharp went into his cheek. He looked down and saw mini men. "What are you guys doing?" They shot at him again. This time hitting him on the lip. "I can't feel my lip." He looked back at them just before they shot him multiple times. "Oh, shit. Man."

Larry held up his hand so they would hit his hand and not his face. When they were done he pulled them out of his hand. He looked down and saw more mini men tying his ankles together.

"Hey. Hey. Hey, stop that." He said to the mini men as they started to push his feet, making him fall backward onto the Western Diorama.

"Hog-tie him, boys!" A blonde cowboy yelled. And at his command, the others threw ropes over him.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Larry asked them.

"Cinch him up good. You ain't so big now, are you?"

"Hey. Hey, stop that."

"Every night, year after year...one of you guards locks us up in these boxes. Well, I hereby say, sir, enough!" The guy who looked as if he were the mayor said.

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