Only Him(Chapter 8) ~ Le Grand Finish!

Start from the beginning

 “who i-?” I ask while opening the door but cut off when Sasori kisses me. I feel my face heat up rapidly. He pulls away

 “I forgot to give that to you earlier, good night Deidara” with that he goes back into his room across from mine and I’m left speechless. My face must’ve been pure red because that’s how hot it felt. I slowly began to smile to myself and closed the door. I knew it from the second I laid eyes on the red head. Danna is perfect for me.-

That day and many other memories come flooding in. My eyes drift over to where Sasori and Hidan are sitting. Hidan kisses Sasori on the cheek and I feel slightly overwhelmed. I walk as calmly as I can into the men’s bathroom encase I start to cry.

~Sasori’s POV~

I couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy here since it was where I had taken Deidara so many times that I actually knew the menu better then my parents names. I knew what on the menu Deidara liked and didn’t like, I knew what waiters were serving on each day of the week, I even knew the tables we sat at the most. The awkward meal passed quietly and soon enough we were back at the hide-out. I flopped out on the bed, head semi-burried into the pillow.

 "are you feeling ok?" Hidan asks, sitting on the side of the bed, actually sounding worried for once.

"yeah, just tired" I mumble then roll over. Hidan shuts off the lights and climbs in next to me. After a short while I feel his arm wrap around my waist, pulling me closer to him. He snuggles his head into the back of my neck and we fall asleep like that.

~2 months later~

"of course it has to be a pre-mature birth!" I hear kakuzu complain for the jashin-knows-what time, pacing back and forth in the hospital waiting room. "and another thing!" he says then turns and points at me "shouldn't you be in there with him?!"

"Konan wanted to go in with Deidara. Deidara said he'd chop my head off if I went near him in the car and-" I stop mid sentence, walk over to the door of the waiting room. I open it just a crack and Deidara's screams fill the room "there's no way I'm gonna be in the same room as a screaming blond" and with that I close the door again, somewhat muffeling the screams. I sit back down and Kakuzu continues to pace.

About an hour later Konan comes into the room, mine, Kakuzu's and Pein's -who was smart enough to sit in the corner as far away from the fumming Kakuzu as possiby and keep his mouth shut- attention go straight to her. Her expression was pure glee, but not in a good way. it was kind of...evil

"how did it go?" Pein finally spoke. Konan kept silent but continued wearing a large grin and motioned for us to follow her. She brought us down to Deidara's room. One look at the buddles of blankets in his arms and I knew exactly why Konan's grin struck me as evil.

"t-t-t-t-t-t-t-" Kakuzu continued to stammer. you could nearly see the calculations in his head getting bigger and bigger.

"Twins!" Konan shouted out, full of cruel joy. Kakuzu passed out, falling backwards, nearly crushing Pein in the process. ha! the 'god' nearly got crushed by the money grabber!

~Some time later, Deidara's POV~

wah! wahh!

"Shh shh, it's ok, daddy's hear"

I'm exhausted, but I managed to open my eye enough to see Sasori gently bouncing a bundle of pink blankets, a pale hand holding on to his pinkie. Katsu, the little diva as I prefer since she thinks it's funny to keep crying, obviously woke up again. My eyes drifted to Doku, or rather the blue bundle of blankets since their both so tiny. Sasori's chuckle brough me back to the two.

"look at you. Practically mini female me...despite the blue eyes, but we'll blame your mother" I'm a boy! just because I gave birth doesn't mean I'm not a father!(4TH WALL BROKEN: sorry dei, it actually does make you the mother. 4TH WALL REPAIRED)"and your brother is as bald as an eagle" I still don't get that saying. Pein made that joke early, i recall, we had some good laughs over it. I close my eyes and listen to Sasori's aimless talking to Katsu. "your my little girl little princess..." I hear some muffling that is Sasori putting the settled diva back in her bed "...and your my little prince..." obviously meant for Doku "your lives won't be normal...laws of science were broken just so you could be born...I'll make sure your safe...I'll protect...even when I'm not here, I'll be looking after you in some little way..." I had to use all my strenth not to laugh at how cheesy that whole thing sounded. I have to admit though, it's nice to think theirs a heart in that hard shell...only Sasori could be so confusing...only him.

OMFG! This ending is so fucking cheesy, you could feed it to a mouse -_-'' I didn't mean for it to end like this but it sort-of turned out this way...

thank you too all those who read. I decided against doing a sequal about the twins because I've lost interest in Naruto...not entirely, i still like the anime...I'm just not into the Fandom part that much anymore...yeah.

Thanks to those who read, each and everyone was very important to me :)

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