Chapter 15

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Spring squinted at the bright sunlight. They hadn't closed the blinds last night, she realized, and morning light was flooding in. Colton was gone, his place in bed cold and Spring began to wonder if she had imagined last night. Then she shifted and found she was a little sore. Okay, so not all of it had been a dream.

Had she really agreed to marry him?

It was quick, she knew, but it was also right. They had something which transcended time and she wanted them to start their life together as soon as they could.

Pulling herself back into the here and now, she rose and made her way to the shower. The hot spray relaxed muscles which had been seldom-used and certainly never in the bedroom. She would have to work hard at being able to keep up with him as he was proving himself to be insatiable. Of course, she was as well - for him. It had never been like this for her. She'd never wanted someone so much that she'd felt like she'd die if they weren't together.

Hearing the shower door open, she turned and gave Colton a broad smile. "I came to wash your back," he said with a lascivious grin.

It was a long time before they got out of the shower and Spring was very clean when they did manage it.

"These pancakes are good," Spring enthused.

"I can manage a few things in the kitchen," Colton replied.

She eyed him. "You're being disingenuous," she said.

He grinned, pleased to have been caught. "Okay, I love to cook. I just don't get to do it very often because of the job, but I make a mean risotto."

"You'll have to make it for me," she said. "How's your arm? We were...well, we weren't gentle last night."

"No worries," he said. "Not even a tinge of pain."

"I'm relieved to hear it."

He watched as she ate a piece of bacon with her hands. "So do you think we should tell our families or wait for a while?"

She cocked an eyebrow. "You realize Sunshine will know. She'll keep our secret, of course, but that's not really fair to her. Why not tell our families right away?"

"Because things are so uncertain for me."

Spring waved him off. "It's no big deal, Colton. It doesn't bother me, if that's what you're thinking."

"I am," he said.

"Well, get over it," she replied tartly, although there was a telltale curl of her lips.

"I love you," he said suddenly.

Her eyes softened. "And I love you. So why wait? We could have a double wedding with Torah and Christian."

"That's a month from now."

"Or we can do it sooner," Spring said simply. "What's the point in waiting? I'm not averse to living in sin, but if we're going to get married anyway, why not do it now?"

"You'll need to talk to Torah and Christian," he said. "And I should probably be there for that conversation. Torah is going to have my...uh..."

"Yeah, she'll probably want them," Spring said, relieving him that she knew what he was trying to say. "I need to tell all my sisters. I'm just not sure if I should do it announcement-style like Torah, or one-by-one like Kennedy."

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