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"You better watch that attitude son!" Austin's old man yelled at him before he closed the front door. He rolled his eyes and slung his book bag over his shoulder and started off to school. His old man was yelling at him again this morning, but Austin couldn't blame him, he'd been angry about work lately and all the bullshit his coworkers have put him through.

Just like every morning, Austin met with Ahren, Rian and Phil behind school. The three of them usually wanted to get high before school, sometimes Austin participated but it was occasionally when he felt like he needed to relax, like right now.

"Hey!" Ahren said as Austin got closer to where his friends were. They were already smoking a joint and passing it around.

As Austin approached, he took it from Phil, taking a long drag and releasing after a minute or two. His mind and body were already beginning to relax and the more he smoked, the easier it became. Once the entire joint was gone and all four of them were high, they walked into the school and went to their separate first period classes. Austin plopped himself down in his desk, his body tingling with a nice buzz. He noticed the seat beside him was empty, remembering the night at the party when Alan puked on his shoes, he began to laugh lightly.

Speaking of the ginger haired boy, he came stumbling in, head down low and books clutched tight to his chest, wearing a light blue sweater, nice fitting black jeans and a pair of toms. He didn't even speak to the teacher like normal, as a matter of fact, he didn't even say anything to Austin which made him frown. Sure, Alan was annoying but how presence was...nice, Austin guessed. He really didn't care at this moment, he was higher than a kite and it felt amazing.

Alan, on the other hand, was rubbing furiously at his eyes. They were watering, a few tears spilling over. Stupid allergies, Alan thought. His face was puffy and red, as well as his eyes. His nose was running and he felt terrible. He had to walk to school this morning because Aaron was at home, still throwing up all the alcohol he had consumed at the party that was a few days ago and being yelled at by his parents who took away his car for being an idiot so that made Alan have to school, which wasn't so bad up until the point that a nice lady was doing things with flowers and it caused Alan to sniffle, sneeze and all the usual with allergies. It was terrible.

Austin was in a daze, staring blankly at the board ahead and not knowing what he was doing. He felt sleepy, his body beginning to relax in his seat. What is the teacher even talking about? What is the need for this? What is the need for school? What if we were all aliens...? Whoa. Austin's eyes widened slightly and he seemed so surprised. He may have found an answer to a question no one may have even known existed. Austin looked over to Alan, seeing his head was still down and his hair was in high face, not allowing anyone to see anything. Austin frowned even more. Alan shouldn't cry, that's for sure, he's too pretty to cry, Austin thought, grinning like an idiot when he realized what went through his head.

The bell rang loudly, making Austin jump a little and stand up just like everyone else as they gathered their things. Austin went along to his next class, and the one after that, all up until it was time for lunch. He high was way gone by now and he was stuck with a hungry feeling in his gut.

Once he was settled at the table, Austin picked at his food, eating what he wanted and deciding that the other stuff that did not look edible was to never be touched. Ahren and Rian were nowhere to be found and Phil was somewhere in the line of people getting food. Austin glanced down the line of tables, seeing Alan sitting by himself and looking through his phone, he seemed bored with himself and that's what when a cute little idea popped into Austin's head.

Alan sighed and ran fingers through his hair. He was currently texting Aaron, laughing at his idiot best friend at his sickness. He was currently texting a reply when someone sat down in front of him, their tray plopping down. Alan looked up, surprised when he saw it was Austin, a cheeky smile on his face.

"Um..." Alan wasn't sure what to say.

"You seemed to not like my company." Austin said, Alan's cheeks warmed.

"I-I um..." Alan stammered, Austin smirked.

"This is the first time you've never not talked to me, normally I'd have to tell you to shut up." Austin said, Alan looked down at the table and instantly Austin felt bad. "Sorry..." He swallowed some of his water that was on his tray.

"Why are you...sitting over here, to be exact?" Alan asked.

"Would you like to be sitting alone again?" Austin questioned, Alan bit his lip.

"You're kind of an ass," Alan muttered which caused Austin to laugh loudly.

"You wouldn't be the first to tell me that." He said, grinning slightly. Alan didn't say anything about else neither did Austin. The two of them sat in a silence all through lunch until the bell rang.

At the end of the day, Alan was ready to go home and sleep. Sneezy and coughing all day took a number on him and the comfort of his bed was calling him. Austin walked with Rian, Ahren and Phil until he decided it was time to go home. He walked through the front door, hearing the silence of his house and sighed, throwing himself on the couch and feeling the need of a very long nap.

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