Do you believe in Dimensions

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A/N: OKAY SO THIS IS A WEIRD THING GOING ON. DON'T WORRY. This is where it goes from him telling a story to a change in perspective, and things you'd miss out on in the normal story... It's going to be weird AF. Have fun, my beauties.


  This timeline scares me. It's gone further than the other ones. I asked her out, hoping to change something... To change the timeline a bit more.

  It's been two weeks since she was supposed to die. I made her get tests, and I'm pretty much hovering over her every second of the day, trying to find what could hurt her. 

  ... She hates it, and soon I think she'll hate me. The worst part is, the further in I've gotten on each one, the timelines kind of blend. She starts to remember things, and I think she'll start to remember things really soon... She yelled at me earlier. She's losing her patience with me.

  If I step back, will she survive? I am scared she won't... But I'll try to keep my paranoia away from her. I'll watch out for her from afar and try to mask my worry... like I should. I let my composure go, and I freaked her out. I can't freak her out again.

  Changing the timeline is dangerous. It causes a lot of rifts and imbalances, and honestly, I don't know what keeping her alive will do. I feel like something bad will happen, and this paranoid feeling is chipping at me...

 Do I love her? ... I don't know. I've known her timeline after timeline, learning new things and making it farther along... But that doesn't mean I know. I've known her much less time than Toriel or Frisk. I've only known her for 120 timelines, while the others I've known for almost 1,250. I know I love my brother, and I know I am close to Toriel, but... Love the human? I... Think I might... Why else would I be so terrified of her dying again? 

  ... No, I do. She... Is all I've been focused on... 

  Frisk pulls me back into reality, poking me repeatedly. 

  "huh? what is it, kid?" She looks worried.

  "YOU ARE NOT PAYING ATTENTION SANS! YOU ARE MISSING MY QUESTION." I didn't see her ask a question, but I suppose she did. 

  "kid... what was your question?"


  "oh..." I felt nervous now. I slipped again. Why isn't her gender consistent!? Two timelines ago, she was a boy. Then a girl... It's confusing. She's the only one who's changed like that from timeline to timeline... "just... messed up again. it's hard to tell with young humans."

  "YOU ARE LYING. IS IT A TIMELINE BREAK?" I nearly lose my smile at this, confused. 

  "kid..?" I knew she had something to do with it, but usually when I talk to her she feigns ignorance or tries to be coy. This time, she was flat out saying it.

  "I do understand timelines, Sans..." Her voice. She's talking. Not just using sign language, she is literally talking.


  "What's wrong... oh... yeah... I c-can talk, but... I don't like to. It sometimes... breaks dimensions." 


  "It BREAKS dididid-mentions." Her voice swapped between a higher and deeper tone quickly as she attempted to say 'dimentions.' I'm honestly shocked.

  "wait... are you really a girl?"

  "n-ye-nes. ... I'm both," She blushes. "When the dimensions shifted t-to cross t-timelines, both fo-forms ... merged." 

  "... so... are you saying you're.. a girl-boy mix?"

  "TH-This timeline's dominant is female," She frowns. "M-ORI-My original is- M-Male. A-t least the one I re-Me-mBer."

  "i can understand why you don't like talking now... you 'glitch' a lot." It was kind of worrying me, to be honest. 

  "... You've met my M-Male version more than my F-FEmale?" 

  "i guess," Thinking back, yes, I have. About 30 more timelines, maybe more... I don't always note it.

  "I-I'm glad you know timelines... I-I've got something to tell you."

  "what?" Her voice had become serious and it kind of frightened me.

  "N-NO... more R-EEE... Sets." I stared. "G-Getting... worse. I-I'm splitting... C-Can't... keep up with more... N-No more tries for your friend." Oh no, no no, no... 

 "no... no, kid, don't..."

  "U-Unless... you c-can fix... ME... n-No more." I didn't want to watch her die with no more tries, no... But I didn't know how to help Frisk... if I did, I'd... probably of saved my father by now. I don't want the kid to end up like him...

"... i'll have to get to work then." With this, we were at Toriel's door. I knocked, allowing the kid to go in, and turned to leave before Toriel gos and asks me about how I'm doing, like always. I ignore her call and keep walking.

  Since I got home last night, I've been spending chips of time getting what I might need to find a solution. I poured myself into my work, but nothing checked out. I kept trying to find some way to.. to fix Frisk, but nothing was coming up well.

  ... I started working on ways to bring the dead to life next. I wasn't going Frankenstein on it, no, but I wanted to find a way to give her a second chance after death. I don't want her to leave me forever... Not if I really love her. How do I fix this?! How can I save her life?! NOTHING IS WORKING!

  Frustration's got a way of making you do weird things... Like locking yourself in a room for days on end... Like me. Right now. I haven't slept or really even eaten in days, but the math isn't checking out and it's fucking pissing me off.

  "no, i can't... i can't...she... can't die again. no... more resets... there has to be... the math isn't fucking checking out!"I grumbled to myself, before letting my anger get the best of me and smashing my fists, glowing with my magic, into my desk. It split in half, my notes going insane, flying into the trash tornado and onto the floor, as well as the whiteboard that had been pinned to the wall above the desk... It's shattered and only the corners were stuck onto the walls...

  I sit on the floor in front of my bed, my hands rubbing across my eye sockets in an attempt to stop the waterfall of tears that had decided to show up. I don't want her to die! ... My legs rise to my chest, and I burry my face in them.

  How... can I save her, if I can't figure this out? How can I save either of them?!

  I'm afraid I can't... 

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