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She constantly cries

Because she's constantly hurting

But no one can see, the pain she's hiding

They don't realise that their ignorance is what provokes her pain

So this girl, she hides away

She hides her problems

She hides herself

Not loved by the world

People look at her like she doesn't exist

They see her around

And walk straight past

Not realising that she's much more than a girl no one wants to like

This girl can be the queen

But she doesn't quite realise it yet

She drags her feet across the floor

Looking down

Not realising where she's going

Or who's in the way

Constantly being dragged down

She sees no reason to live

She doesn't see reason to keep going

When people finally talk to her

She fakes a smile that no one knows,

Is hiding hundreds of reasons

For her to give up and stop trying

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