Chapter 3, Meeting the Cullens

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I woke up to the sun shining through my window curtains. The sun was so blindingly bright I forced my self to look away. My room looked magical in the sunlight. It was amazing. I slowly crawled out of bed and moped tiredly into the kitchen. I looked up see dad and Jacob making something that smelt disgusting. "Morning sunshine" Dad said to me. "Morning *yawn*Daddy" I said to him still half asleep. "Well someone's a morning person" Jake said to me. I walked over to him and lightly punched him in the shoulder. He chuckled at me childish ways. Hey! I am only 4. I crinkle up my nose when I smell a disgusting smell. I look at what ever Jacob is making and sniff at it. Yep thats it. "Jacob what are you making?" I am him. "Its toast, isn't it obvious?" I quickly shake my head. Thats not what toast is meant to smell or look like. I get 2 prices of toast and put them in the toaster. 2 minutes later my toast pops up. I get the pieces out and put some jam on it. I then grab a plate and eat. Both dad and jake look at me with their jaws hitting the ground. "How did you do that without setting the house on fire?" Jake exclaims. I shrug my shoulders. It wasn't that hard.

I sit at the table and start eating my breakfast. I did do a pretty good job for a four year old. Jake comes over and sits next to me. He looks a little nervous. "So Las, today you and I are going to see the Cullen's." he says hesitantly. "The leeches?" I say, I'm pretty sure Jakes best friend is a leech. Paul said that they like getting called a leech. "Yeah, Nessie my imprint will be there, she's 3 but looks 13. And Bella my best friend and some others." He says back. I nod my head and go to my room. I walk to closet and open It. I really did buy a lot of clothes yesterday. I grab a pair of denim shorts and frilly, pink top. I put my hair in pony tail and my long hair goes down to my waist. I've never bothered to cut it other than for dead ends. I walk out and go see Jake standing there shirtless and denim cutoff shorts. "Come Alaska we will be running the so go phase and then meet me at that tree" He says pointing to the big tree. I go around the corner strip down then tie my clothes around my ankle. I close my eyes and think of angry thoughts. I open my eyes and I am on all fours. I run over to the tree and see Jake already there.
You ready to go? Jake asks. I nod my Big head and follow Jake as he takes off running.

After 5 minutes of running we stop.I look up at this big house, its beautiful. I run behind a tree and phase.  I run back and see Jacob standing there with a girl about 13 standing next to him. I walk over to make and stand next to him. "Hey Las, this is Ness my imprint." Jake told me. I wave my hand, to nervous to speak. "Hi Alaska, I Renesmee, but call me Nessie or ness. Come inside and meet everyone else." Wow she seems friendly. Jake grabs my hand and leads me inside. Once we are in all of the Cullen's we in a line, all the couples standing close together. "Alright, uhh I suck at intros u guys can just introduce rpyourselves, I mean u all over 100 years old! Oh except bella and ness." Jake said chuckling at the end but received a lot of glares which made me laugh. I man started, he had blonde hair and seemed very, helpful. "Hi Alaska, I'm Carlisle, what they'd call the 'father' of the family. I enjoy getting to know u better." He said with a smile. Next to him was a lady with a dark caramel coulee hair. "Hi Alaska! Im Esme. I'm carlisles wife and mate." She said cheerfully. I could tell she was going to be like a mother too me. I waved back at her. Next to them was a big buff guy who looked like a teddy bear and beautiful blonde girl. "Hey Alaska! I'm Emmett and the is my wife Rosalie." The big buff guy, who I now know as Emmett, said. "Hi..Are you a teddy bear?" I asked him. What! I just had to ask. Everyone laughed at my childish question while Emmett nodded with a grin on his face. I turned to the people next to them. There was a man, tall and had honey blonde hair. He had his arm around a small girl with black, short, spiky hair. "Hi! I'm Alice and this is Jasper! I just know we will get along greatly!!" The little girl, Alice said. I gave her smile while a small giggle escaped my lips, she was funny. I waved to Jaspe aswell before I turned to the next and last couple. The was a guy who was tall and he kept moving his fingers through his hair. Next to him was a girl who had long, dark brown mahogany hair. I between them was Nessie, jakes imprint. "Hello, I'd like to introduce myself, I'm Edward Cullen. And this is my wife Bella Cullen and our daughter, well you already know her." I gave them a smile and nod. "Alright now that everybody knows everybody, let's do something." Jake said. Of course he did. "Well I'm sure your hungry, would you like something to eat?" Esme asks us.

After eating some sandwiches and other stuff we are all just sitting on the ground hanging out and talking. "Hey" I turn around and see bella talking to me. She obviously doesn't like the conversation about cars either. "Hi" I say shyly back. "Did Jake tell you my story? About how I became a-"
I quickly say so she doesn't. But it was a mistake. All of the Cullen's look at me in shock. What did I do. Rosalie looks at me with disgust. "What did I do?" I ask. I look towards make and he looks at me with shame. "So, this is how you mutts really talk about us. You tell young innocent minds that we are what, leeches!" Rosalie says angrily to jake. Wait. Paul said they liked being told that. "Wait.." I say trying to stop the argument. "P-Paul told me that you liked being called a leech." I say. I look up and see everyone with shocked faces. What did I do! I feel something wet start to drip down my face. Tears. I run start running. I don't want them to see me like this. Once I reach the woods I don't bother about stripping I just phase. Oh what have I done.

Las, is that you?
Hi Seth
What are you doing? I thought you were at the Cullen's?
I was but then I I said something and it all went wrong.
Hey, it's ok. Where's Jake? Does he know you've phased.

After that I block Seth. Will Jake be angry at me for just running off? Oh gosh I really hope not.

It been about 3 1/2 hours since I ran away. I'm starting get scared coz it's getting really dark. I stopped hearing Seths thoughts 10 minutes after I first heard them. I haven't heard any thoughts since. I'm really hungry, I don't want to go hunting coz I have never done it before. I'm lost. And it's all my fault.
What? Who is it?
Oh thank god! Las it's Sam. Where are you?
I don't know.  Snap Sam! Help! I, I heard something. Somethings coming!
Ok, calm down I'm coming. Can you smell a vampire or is it just something else.
No I can't smell anything,
Ok good, I can smell you strongly now, I'm almost there.

I look around me landing on the spot where o heard a snap. But before I can chocolate cheese balls I see a black wolf standing in front of me. Sam.

Omg Alaska, I found you.
Thanks Sam. I'm I'm sorry.
Hey, hey, it's alright. Follow me and will go back to your place alright.

I nod my big Wolfe head and start running after Sam. Ten minutes later I peer through the trees and see my house with the whole pack standing on the porch. Dad, Jake and Embry have worried and tear stained faces.
I walk out and give a little bark and all heads turn my way.
"LASS!" Jake and Embry scream then come running to me. They hug my wolf body and I feel their tear stained faces rubbing into my fur. I did this to them. I start sniffing. Then sobbing and before I know it I'm human and crying getting hugged by Jake and Embry. Nude. "Ahhhhhh!" I scream and run back into the woods. "What's wrong Lass?" Embry asks me. "I'm NAKED!!!" I say. And immediately I hear everyone howling in laughter. "It's alright, come out." Jake says back. I slowly walk back with my cheeks looking like tomatoes. Jake has his arms open and I jump into them. I snuggle into him and slowly creep away into darkness.

Hey! I know I haven't updated in ages, it because I wasn't sure if anyone was reading it. I just want to let you know my plans for this book. I am planning on making a series of this with about 3 books. If anyone has any feedback or ideas for the book please comment or message me.

It is still school time for me (I'm finishing soon!!) so I will try and update before Christmas or New Years.

G x

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