If only...

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Sit back and think while you read this. It will make it more in depth if you know what I mean. This is written to make you question the world we live in, and to think your thoughts.

Think about this, if only schools judged you not on your academic ability, but on your creative arts. Oh how different the world would be.

if only they got rid of the whole grading system, instead they told you how good you are yourself, not measured on a spectrum of what they want. You may never use what you learn in science if you become an author. And already we have taken away some of the major causes of stress on humanity, the constant "you are not good enough because you are not up to my standards". As There is no standard for you to be measured against. And the pressure of I must get an A on this next assignment. No. You don't need to. If this was gone it would be a case of I want to do this to the best of my ability.  Oh how different the world would be.

If only society stopped taking steps backwards, and started taking steps forward. None of this "you have to be this because I say you do". You would be accepted. You could wear your clothes. Talk your talk and walk your walk. You could be you. For once. Would that not be nice? Oh how different the world would be.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2017 ⏰

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