Our miracle baby

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Buffy and Angel have dated for 3 years till the day he left for LA now Buffy is dating Riley.

It was an early morning in Sunnydale Buffy and Dawn are eating some pancakes when Buffy got up and throw up in the sink Dawn held Buffy's hair back 'Have you been to see a doctor about it' Dawn asked Buffy as Buffy wached her month 'No i'm going this afternoon can you tell Giles that i will be a little late to training' Buffy said as she sat down 'Sure tell me what happens' Dawn asked 'Yeah i will' Buffy said as she put her head on the table.

Later that day at the doctors Buffy is laying in on the bed 'Have you put on any weight' the doctor asked as Buffy went behind the curtain & put her clothes back on 'No i don't think so i think I've lost some'Buffy said as he sat in the chair 'Well most people put it on' the doctor said Buffy gave her a funny look 'Your pregnant Ms . Summers' the doctor said 'You sure' Buffy asked with a shock look on her face 'Yes you are one month' the doctor said Buffy walked out of the doctor's and got into her car & dove of.

In LA at Angel's Angel got up and went into the kitchen to find Wesley and Cordelia fighting about something 'What are the both of you fighting about now' Angel asked as he got some blood out of the fridge 'All i want is to let Fred get Fred a birthday present' Wesley said 'Yeah but you get her a necklaces or something not a book' Cordelia said 'Okay I'm going back to bed' Angel said as he went back up to his room.
'He needs to stop being to crapy' Wesley said 'He misses Buffy' Cordelia said as he sat down at the kitchen table.

Back in Sunnydale Buffy just walked into the shop Dawn is doing some homework Xander and Willow are reading Giles is sitting down 'Buffy how did it go' Dawn asked 'I don't know what to do' Buffy said as she sat next to Tara 'Is there something wrong' Willow asked 'I'm pregnant Buffy said with a worried look on her face 'Have you told Riley' Tara asked 'No we never had sex i'm a month' Buffy said 'How is this possible a vampire gets a human pregnant' Giles said

That night at Buffy's in the kitchen Buffy is sitting at the table and Dawn comes into the kitchen 'Thanks Dawn i just don't know what to say to him' Buffy said 'Do you want this baby Buff Dawn asked 'Yes i do but I'm scared Angel won't believe me i know i wouldn't if i was him i'm going to bed night' Buffy said as she got up and went up to her room Dawn got up and called someone.

In LA at Angel's Angel come down Fred has her head on Wesley's chest Cordelia is doing her nails Gun is cleaning his sword 'Dawn called she will be here tomorrow' Cordelia said as she put on some red nail Polish 'Why is Buffy okay' Angel asked worried 'I don't know she didn't say' Cordelia said

That early morning in LA at Angel's Dawn knocked on the door Fred opens it 'hi are you Dawn' Fred asked 'Yes i am who are you' Dawn asked in a nice way 'I'm Fred it's nice two meet you Fred said 'Is Cordelia here' Dawn asked 'Yeah come in' Fred and Dawn walk in Angel is drinking some blood Cordelia hugs Dawn Gun is reading a book so is Wesley 'Hi Dawn how is everyone' Cordelia asked as as she and Dawn sat down 'Good Xander is getting married Willow and Tara got back together Giles loves the magic shop Spike helps Buffy and Riley to get rid of the vampires and demons' Dawn said 'Is Buffy okay' Angel asked 'Kinda' Dawn said with a small smile 'What do you mean kinda' Angel asked 'Buffy is well one month pregnant she just found out yesterday she doesn't know I'm here she thinks I'm here to see dad' Dawn said 'Are you sure' Angel asked 'Well she's not drinking blood for nothing and saying gross' Dawn said Angel had a big smile on his face 'So are you coming back to Sunnydale with me 'Yeah of course' Angel said still smiling.

Back in Sunnydale Buffy and Riley are walking in the park 'I need to tell you something' Buffy said with a worried look on her face 'I'm pregnant with Angel's baby' Buffy said as she looked at Riley not knowing what he is going to say 'How can you get pregnant by a vampire ' Riley said with a bit of anger in his voice. 'I don't know but i am' Buffy said as she sat down on a swing 'Does he know' Riley asked 'No' Buffy said as she put her head down 'Buffy you can't have it' Riley said as he lift Buffy's chin up 'Why not its my baby it's life inside me i can't do that' Buffy said almost yelling at her boyfriend 'Buffy pls you have two what if it kills you' Riley said with worry in his voice 'It won't i know so even if it does i don't care this is my little baby can't you understand that' Buffy said as they walked into the magic shop 'I have two go' Riley said as he kissed Buffy on the the head and left 'So did you tell me how did it go' Willow asked as Buffy sat down next to Xander 'He said that i should get rid of it' Buffy said with a bit of hurt in her voice 'Don't do it' Anya said 'Don't worry i'm not i want to keep this baby Giles is Spike here' Buffy asked then Spike came in the room 'Yes slayer' Spike said drinking some blood 'Can you pls get me some blood' Buffy asked him he went into the kitchen and got Buffy some blood 'Thanks' Buffy said as she sarted to drink her blood 'Not so gross is it slayer' Spike said with a little chuckle.

That night at Buffy's in Buffy's room Buffy is in bed in her pjs when Dawn Wesley Angel and Cordelia walk in the house 'Buffy i'm home' Dawn yelled 'Okay I'm in my room' Buffy yelld back a faw minutes later Buffy went down to the kitchen to get something to eat she didn't see Angel Cordelia Dawn and Wesley sitting at the kitchen table Buffy went to get something when 'Hi Buffy' Cordelia said 'Hi Cordelia Buffy said as she tuned around and saw all of them at the kitchen table 'Dawn did you' Buffy said Angel got up and went over to Buffy 'She told me that you are having our baby Buffy',Angel said with a smile. 'Yeah Dawn you had no right to do that' Buffy said as she ran up to her room Angel had a confused look on his face Angel walked up to Buffy's room to find Buffy laying on her bed Angel sits on the bed next to her 'What's the matter Buffy' Angel asked as he put an arm on Buffy's shoulder Buffy sat up 'Why are you here you said that you were never coming back why because I'm pregnant' Buffy said as she looked at Angel Angel had hurt in his eyes 'Buffy i came back because i love you i left to give you a normal life' Angel said as he looked at Buffy 'I love you Buffy' Angel said as he pulled Buffy into a hug 'I love you two but i am with Riley' Buffy said as she looked at Angel 'Brake up with him' Angel said as he's and Buffy's face were really close together 'Okay' Buffy said then Buffy and Angel had a long passionate kiss.

The flowing morning Buffy woke up in Angel's arms Angel was asleep Buffy got out of bed and was about to get dressed when she ran to the bathroom room to throw up Angel come in and held Buffy's hair back Buffy woshed her month 'Thanks' Buffy said as she walked out of the bathroom and back to her room 'So where are you going today' Angel said as he put his arm around Buffy 'Giles is coming over to tell us about our baby' Buffy said as she got dressed 'Yeah good' Angel said with a smile 'Buffy Giles is here' Dawn yelled 'Let's go then' Buffy said as she put on her jacket Buffy and Angel walked down to the living room where everyone was sitting Angel sat next to Xander and pulled Buffy on his lap 'There is something that i found about a vampire getting a human pregnant is called a miracle baby but it doesn't happen much only when the mother and father are meant to be and there is no way this baby can kill the mother while it's inside you but when you give birth that is something different' Giles said as she sat down next to Wesley 'Are you saying that Buffy could die' Angel asked as he had a worried look on his face 'We don't know that for sure she might live' Wesley said Angel held Buffy with a tight grib Buffy just kissed him

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