
20 2 4

Life and I have an odd relationship.
It's a build up/knock down kind of thing.
It gives me something nice that I love and then beats me to hell.
Abusive many degrees.
But builds up slowly.
As of now, it showed me something beautiful.
Something that I love.
And now it's trying to pull me away.
Testing the amount of pain I can take now.
Me possibly causing pain to myself in the way.
That's wrong...
I couldn't hurt myself.
Pain is just...
Relief with pain just causes more pain.
I'd end with me getting so frustrated and angry.
I'd block everyone out.
To the point where I'm floating in my own lake of solitude.
Lashing out at anything.
Everything would stop for me.
I've forgotten why I put this on the no publish list... Guess publish time

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